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词汇 black clouds
释义 black clouds
black clouds发音



black golds───n.黑金;石油

black goods───黑货

black leads───[矿物]石墨;笔铅

black molds───黑霉;[植保]黑霉病

black moulds───黑霉

black outs───v.中断,停止;熄灭灯火;晕倒,昏厥

billow clouds───[气象]浪云;波状云


Those black clouds betoken rain.───那些乌云预示有雨.

The black clouds indicate that it will rain.───那些黑云表明天要下雨天.

Look at those black clouds; there's going to be a storm.───瞧那些乌云, 眼看要有暴风雨了.

A field of burning grass is billowing thick black clouds of smoke into the sky.───一片燃烧着的草冒出的滚滚黑烟直冲云霄.

flashed out from the black clouds.───乌云中电光闪闪。

Black clouds forebode a storm.───乌云预示有暴风雨.

Low - hanging black clouds befogged the city.───黑云压城.

Black clouds are an unmistakable sign of coming rain.───乌云是下雨的明显先兆.

Black clouds, thunder and lightning show that a storm is imminent.───乌云 、 雷、电表明一场风暴已迫在眉睫.

Those black clouds look ominous for our picnic.───那些乌云对我们的野餐来说是个不祥之兆.

Black clouds blocked out the sun.───乌云遮住了太阳。

The lightning flashed out from the black clouds.───乌云中电光闪闪.

He noticed black clouds of smoke out the window.───他注意到黑烟从窗户往外冒.

Black clouds threaten a storm.───乌云是暴风雨的先兆.

The sky was barred with black clouds.───天空点缀着条条的黑云.

Black clouds floated by in the sky.───乌云从天空中飘过.

The black clouds show that a storm is imminent.───乌云预示暴风雨即将来临.

As the sun emerged from the black clouds, our hearts lifted for we could go out to play in the park again.───当太阳从乌云后露出来时,我们非常开心,因为我们又可以去公园玩了。


The black clouds threaten a storm.

The black clouds show that a storm is imminent.

Those black clouds presage a storm.

Black clouds forebode a storm.

Black clouds spread across the sky.

Black clouds have stagnated over the city for several days.

After black clouds, clear weather.

Black clouds blocked out the sun.

Those black clouds are/look a bit ominous.

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