

词汇 zinc oxide
释义 zinc oxide
zinc oxide发音




zinc oxides───n.[无化]氧化锌

zinc white───[颜料]锌白



titanic oxide───二氧化钛

zinc chloride───[无化]氯化锌

nitric oxide───氧化一氮

uranic oxide───三氧化铀

zinc sulfide───[无化]硫化锌


Ziram was synthesized in an one-step with aqueous solution of dimethylamine carbon disulfide and zinc oxide.───以二甲胺水溶液、二硫化碳和氧化锌为原料一步合成了福美锌。

At present, the most commonly used are zinc oxide arrester.───目前, 使用最多的是氧化锌避雷器.

A white pigment consisting of a mixture of zinc sulfide, zinc oxide, and barium sulfate.───钡硫酸盐是一种辐射光不能穿透的状之.

Shukang Tiegao: Hawthorn nuclear refined zinc oxide cream leather matrix blood circulation.───舒康贴膏: 山楂核精氧化锌皮膏基质活血化瘀.

The tailing may be used as raw material to smelt zinc oxide indigenous methods.───尾矿可作为土法冶炼氧化锌的原料.

This paper introduced the preparation of zinc oxide whiskers with different morphology.───摘要以微米氧化锌为原料,采用微波加热法直接加热,制备出2种不同形貌的氧化锌晶须.

The Leaching of germanium bearing smoke of zinc oxide in the particulate fluidization bed was investigated.───报道了散式直管流化床处理含锗氧化锌烟尘的研究结果.

Purify zinc is used to manufacture active zinc oxide.───锌提纯后用于制活性氧化锌.

The present invention is process of preparing nanometer zinc oxide crystal whisker.───本发明涉及一种制备纳米氧化锌晶须的方法.

Improvement of AC blowing agent by adding zinc oxide, zinc peroxide etc. has been described.───通过添加氧化锌, 过氧化锌等化学品,对AC发泡剂进行改性.

Alkaline leaching of Zn from zinc oxide ore from Lanping, Yunnan is investigated.───研究了云南兰坪氧化锌矿石的碱法浸出.

Zn basic zinc carbonate or zinc oxide from the residues of zinc plating process.───研究了以含锌废渣为原料,制备锌产品的工艺条件.

Objective : To determine the zinc oxide of the preparation and prove a method of quality control.───目的: 测定氧化锌擦剂中氧化锌的含量,为该药提供新的质量控制方法.

The study briefly introduces property of zinc oxide and the action used in powder paint.───本文简要介绍了氧化锌的性质以及用于粉末涂料中所起的作用.

Not all sunscreens contain the chemical in question, so if you're concerned, opt for those made with zinc oxide, titanium dioxide or Mexoryl.───不是所有的防晒霜都含有问题的化学物质,如果你要小心点的话,就选择含氧化锌,二氧化钛或者麦素宁的。

Zinc gluconate is synthesized with calcium gluconate, sulfuric acid and zinc oxide.───阐述以葡萄糖酸钙 、 浓硫酸、氧化锌为主要原料合成葡萄糖酸锌的新方法.

In leaching stage the zinc oxide is separated from the calcine s.───在浸出阶段氧化锌用硫酸从焙砂中分离出来.

A sound-absorbing pad on top vibrates when sound waves hit it, causing the tiny zinc oxide wires to compress and release.───顶部的一个吸音垫在声音到达时发生振动,促使微型氧化锌绳伸缩。

The degradation of zinc oxide varistors after stressed by surges is studied.───摘要本文在探讨氧化锌变阻器经突波侵袭后所产生之劣化现象.

Cuprous oxide and zinc oxide can be recovered from waste copper catalyst by a wet process.───研究了以湿法回收利用废铜催化剂中的铜、锌制取氧化亚铜和氧化锌的原理以及最佳工艺条件.

The sulfur content in zinc oxide desulfurizer was calculated by the fire weighing method.───采用灼烧称量法测定氧化锌脱硫剂硫容.

The discharging capability of zinc oxide varistor is mainly decided by the macroscopic homogeneity ceramic body.───氧化锌电阻片的通流能力主要取决于电阻片的微观均匀性.

Modification of AC blowing agent by adding nano zinc oxide was described.───通过添加纳米氧化锌对偶氮二酰胺进行改性.

Zhegai Li stronger than zinc oxide, titanium dioxide than the poor, good heat tolerance.───遮盖力比氧化锌强,比钛白粉差, 耐热性好.

A new technique for preparing activated zinc oxide with the chloride process has been developed.───本文报道了利用氯化铵作为浸取剂,制备活性氧化锌的实验研究结果.

  • zinc white
  • zinc sulfate monohydrate
  • zincous grey




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