

词汇 you can talk
释义 you can talk
you can talk发音



you can't talk───你不能说话

you can't win───你赢不了的

double talk───含糊其词地说;故弄玄虚地说

to cakewalk───卡克沃克

to fast talk───快说

to pep talk───鼓舞士气

tough talk───强硬的谈话

town talk───街头巷议,闲谈

you never can tell───你永远不会知道;你永远无法预测(歌名,YouNeverCanTell)


Either you can talk to him, or I will.───要么你和他谈,要么我来。

You can talk the talk but can you walk the walk?───你说得头头是道,可是你做得到吗?

You can talk frankly to me.───你可以坦率地对我谈。

I don't believe that you can talk constructively going forward if it is going to substantially harm recycling.───如果这样会大大破坏回收,我们相信,你再谈下去也毫无建树。

You can talk about trying to be highly qualified with an MBA and all of that, but hard work seems to overcome so many negatives in life.───你能说一名拥有MBA能具有很强能力,但是努力似乎可以克服生活中的许多的负面。

If your boss wants you to improve your performance, ask if you can talk again in a few weeks to see if you're succeeding.───如果你的老板希望你提高工作表现,那么问一问能否在几周后再谈,看看是否到那时你的工作表现提高了没有。

You can talk with him about the matter.───这件事你可以同他商谈一下。

You think Simon is a fool because he gave money to a beggar? You can talk, you've done some pretty foolish things yourself!───你认为西蒙向一乞丐施舍钱财就是个傻瓜了吗?你没有资格批评,你自己也曾做过一些很蠢的事情!

Somebody is on your side that you can talk to and that you can play games with. It's like a really close friend.───有个人在你身边,你可以跟他说话,跟他做游戏,就像好朋友一样。


See if you can talk some sense into him .

You can talk till the cows come home : you'll never make me change my mind.

She is magnificent at making you feel you can talk quite naturally to her.

You can talk in front of Terry - he's one of us.

You can talk to her about anything—she's very open-minded.

He's, like, really friendly - someone you can talk to.

Just having lots of people around that you can talk to is important.

You can talk my head off, but you can't change wrong into right.

Either you can talk to him, or I will.

  • your cost
  • you do not face
  • you are see
  • you can a
  • youdon tmarry
  • you make me
  • you sick
  • young driver support program
  • your skirt
  • you i you i
  • you are enough
  • you can try
  • you got that
  • you are golden
  • you need
  • you are my wish
  • you aredrink
  • you have not
  • you first
  • your funny
  • youth camp




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