concert pitches───音乐会音高
soccer pitch───足球场
concert party───一致行动的当事人
concert parties───一致行动的当事人
concert pianist───音乐会钢琴家
concert pianists───音乐会钢琴家
He keyed the piano up to a concert pitch.───他把钢琴的音调调到了音乐会要求的音高标准.
They keyed a piano up to concert pitch.───他们把钢琴的音调升高到音乐会的高音标准.
The soldiers were at concert pitch for war.───战士们斗志昂扬,准备应战.
Please key the piano up to concert pitch.───请调高钢琴的音,达到合奏的音调。
After all the briefing sessions at head office, our sales team is at concert pitch.───在总公司开过各种情况介绍会后, 我们全体销售人员都跃跃欲试,准备大干一场.
She has keyed the piano up to concert pitch.───她已经把钢琴的音调升到音乐会的音高标准.
With all the work I have to do I must be at concert pitch.───我要做的工作这么多,我必须精神饱满.
They're at concert pitch, only waiting for the signal to start the competition.───他们已经做好充分的准备, 就等比赛开始的信号了.
He recited the whole chapter in order to bring himself up to concert pitch.───他背诵了整个章节以充分做好准备.
After all the briefing sessions at head office, our sales team is at concert pitch.
- concertos lair
- concert goers
- concerto or symphony crossword
- concerts phoenix
- concert pitch