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词汇 birth control
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n.节育; 避孕; 计划生育


birth controls───生育控制;避孕;[医]节育

fire control───消防;火力控制;[军]射击控制

riot control───暴乱控制

arms control───军备控制

ball control───控球;控球技术


birth canal───[妇产][解剖]产道

cost control───[会计]成本控制

fire controls───消防;火力控制;[军]射击控制


She was a suffragette and a birth control pioneer.───她参加争取妇女选举权的运动,也是节育倡导者。

A company in the United States has come up with the first chewable birth control tablet.───一家美国的公司研制出第一种咀嚼的避孕药片.

What did your school teach you about other forms of birth control?───你们学校还教了你们其他什么节育办法没?

A family reunion is an effective form of birth control!───家庭集会是计划生育的有效形式!

Woman who take birth control pills, use hormonal patches or implants aren't good candidates.───服用避孕药或使用避孕贴、植入避孕线的女性不适合该测试.

You may have heard of Birth Control.───你们也许听说过控制人口出生的措施.

A family doctor will be able to advise on suitable birth control.───家庭医生能够就合适的节育措施提出建议。

He also harassed the birth control advocate Margaret Sanger.───他也纠缠计划生育倡导者玛格丽特·桑格.

Are you currently taking birth control pills?───阁下现在有没有服用避孕药?

What is the most effective method of birth control?───控制出生率的最有效的方法是什么?

Birth control was illegal there until 1978.───1978年以前那里节育是非法的。

The pill is the most efficient method of birth control.───避孕药是最有效的节育办法。

She supports birth control.───她赞成计划生育.

The government was asked to redefine its program on birth control.───政府被要求重新考虑其人口控制计划.

Sex education and birth control are sensitive issues for the movement.───性教育和计划生育是该运动中的敏感问题.

Birth control is one attempt.───人口控制是一种尝试.

Performing false operations of birth control, using false medical identification or providing false family planning certificates.───实施假节育手术 、 进行假医学鉴定、出具假计划生育证明的.

Increase in population made birth control necessary.───人口的增长使节制生育成为必要.

The pill is the most efficient method of birth control.───服用避孕药是最有效的避孕方法。

But what she did violated the birth control policy of China. She was seriously condemned.───可是她这样做严重违背了我们国家的计划生育政策,因此受到单位领导的严厉批评.

a reliable method of birth control───可靠的节育措施

Today's methods of birth control make it possible for a couple to choose whether or not to have a child.───如今的节育措施使一对夫妇可以选择是否要生育孩子。

Of course birth control will still be necessary, and I am not encouraging more births.───当然,还是要节制生育, 我不是来奖励生育.

Condoms are an effective method of birth control if used with care.───避孕套如果谨慎使用,是一种有效的节育方法。

Many men choose to be vasectomized as a form of safe birth control.───许多男人采用结扎输精管的方式来避孕.

Condoms are an effective method of birth control if used with care.───如果使用得当,避孕套是很有效的避孕手段。

On an entirely different matter, now, let's talk about the birth control problem.───现在是关于一个完全不同的问题, 我们谈谈计划生育问题.

Abstinence frees you from the dangers of various birth control methods.───节制使你免于面对采用各种避孕手段的危险之中.

She took a firm attitude towards birth control.───她对计划生育的态度十分坚定.

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