

词汇 world leaders
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n.国际领先企业( world leader的名词复数 )




world leader───世界领导者;世界领袖

world beaters───举世无双的事物

form leaders───领队

world beater───举世无双的事物


band leaders───乐队领队

brand leaders───畅销品牌

card readers───读卡器

dot leaders───点标题


World leaders are expected to sign a treaty pledging to increase environmental protection.───世界各国首脑预计会签署一份承诺加强环境保护的协定。

World leaders are standing together against terrorism.───世界各国领导人一起站出来反对恐怖主义.

World leaders in hand held search technology.───世界强国目前都掌握有搜索技术.

Martin Parry, author of the report, says it's time for concerted action by world leaders.───该报道的作者马丁·帕里宣称是世界各国的首脑采取一致行动的时候了。

The archbishop has sounded a warning to world leaders on third world debt.───大主教已经发出警告提醒世界领导人注意第三世界的债务。

World leaders marveled at the spell he cast over the crowds.───世界领袖们都惊奇于他对众人的魔力.

Geneva has become the stage for many meetings of world leaders.───日内瓦已成为世界领袖经常召开会议的地方.

Officials are laying the groundwork for a summit conference of world leaders.───官员们正在为世界首脑峰会做准备工作。

Around 80 world leaders watched the show.───大约有80位世界领导人观看了此次盛会。

The contributors are the acknowledged world leaders in their fields.───那些捐助者在他们的领域是被承认的世界领导人.

World leaders will take a stand on green energy.───世界各国领导人会表明他们对绿色能源的态度.

World leaders also to the citizens through the Internet to solicit opinions!───世界政要也是要通过网络向公民征求意见的!

Putin told world leaders gathering along the city's winding Neva River.───普京对聚集在这座城市的蜿蜒的涅瓦河畔的世界各国领导人这样说道.

A number of world leaders are expected to attend.───许多世界领导人都会出席本次会议.

More dialogue between world leaders is needed.───世界各国领导人之间需要多交换意见.

It has proved helpful to journalists seeking interviews with world leaders.───对于那些寻找和世界领导人采访机会的记者来说,这招确实行之有效.

And I pray that world leaders will ask themselves the same question.───我还祈祷,世界各国领导人也会问问自己这个问题.


Both Du Pont and Conoco are world leaders, in their respective sectors, in environmental protection and safety.

World leaders are now united in their quest for peace.

World leaders are expected to sign a treaty pledging to increase environmental protection.

Firms in those countries become the world leaders and begin to export as rising incomes spur demand elsewhere.

There will be a gathering of world leaders in Vienna next month.

It was a policy welcomed by world leaders from the US president downwards.

More dialogue between world leaders is needed.

We really were world leaders in all respects.

World leaders will meet next week for their annual economic summit.

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