

词汇 winter blues
释义 winter blues
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midterm blues───期中忧郁

winter sleeps───n.冬眠

winter roses───冬玫瑰

winter sleep───n.冬眠

winter times───[气候]冬季

winter clothes───冬天的衣服;冬季服装;冬装

winter nelises───冬季广场

Antwerp blues───安特卫普蓝调

winter hedges───n.晾衣架


Q: What do you suggest to beat the "Winter Blues?"───问:你对于抗击“冬季忧郁”有什么建议?

Avoid alcohol, which is linked to the winter blues.───避免酒精,这关乎着冬季抑郁。

So how do you beat the winter blues?───那么,你要怎么抗击冬季抑郁呢?

It's especially hard when the winter blues seems to set in and refuses to be shaken.───当冬季抑郁症停留在身上并拒绝离去时,这种感觉就更糟糕了。

With all that out of the way, let's look at five simple ways you cancure the winter blues.───伴随着上述提到的方式,我们来看下五种能够治愈冬天抑郁的简单方法。

On Sunday, Dr. Christian Jessen of Channel 4's Embarrassing Illnesses, said: "The Winter Blues are no joke. "───在上周日(BBC)第四频道的节目《让人困窘的疾病》中,克里斯蒂安·杰森医生说:“冬季抑郁可不是闹着玩的。”

Traveling to a sunny location or going to a tanning salon are two remedies against the winter blues.───有两种办法可以缓解冬季的消极情绪:去阳光充足的地方旅行或者去日光浴沙龙。

Knits in lightweights , subtle textures , open constructions and prints that are colorful and refreshing for the winter blues .───轻盈的针织品,带有精致的肌理,开放式的结构,五彩缤纷生动活泼的印花,适合冬季穿着。

It also might help those with seasonal affective disorder, also thought of as the winter blues.───考虑到像冬季抑郁症之类的病症,这里的天气对患有季节性情绪失调的病人也可能会有所助益。


To them, paleness symbolizes the winter blues and sickliness.

It's time to cast off those winter blues and burst into spring!

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