

词汇 will break
释义 will break
will break发音



city break───城市旅游

fire break───[矿业]防火墙;防火间隔

well bred───有教养的;高贵的;受过良好教育的


city breaks───短期旅客优惠房价

fire breaks───[矿业]防火墙;防火间隔

pilot bread───飞行员面包


It will break the window-pane!───它会打破窗玻璃的!

He will break a blood-vessel in one of those fits some day.───有一天,他会闹得血管爆裂的。

If you run too fast you will break your leg.───如果你跑得太快,你会摔到腿的。

Collapsibility determines the readiness with which the moulding material will break down in knockout and cleaning operations.───溃散性决定了成型材料被清除和被破坏的速度。

Let me not grope in vain in the dark but keep my mind still in the faith that the day will break and truth will appear in its simplicity.───我不要在黑暗里徒然摸索,却该使头脑冷静地深信白天必将降临,真理也将出现在

The body was weak, as if not careful it will break down the middle.───那柔弱的身躯,仿佛不小心就会拦腰折断。

By that time I think pandemonium will break loose within the company, and that would be a very unpleasant consequence.───我想到那时候公司内部将是非常混乱的。那是个不开心的结局。

And that's why, then, the one at the bottom will break, and if I pull very slowly, the one at the top will break.───这就是为什么,底部这条会断裂,如果慢慢拉,顶部这个就会断。

As of late August, most analysts think ore imports will break through 500 million tons, the question being by how much.───截至八月底绝大多数分析家认为铁矿石进口将会突破5亿吨,但问题是价格是多少。


Our school will break up tomorrow.

If you pull too hard you will break the rope.

Don't bear hard on the pencil, it will break.

Do you know when you need I will break my neck to summer.

Don't bear hard upon the pencil, it will break.

Let's try whether it will break.

You will break the TV if you don't stop monkeying about with it.

He will break the story tomorrow morning.

However long the night, the dawn will break.

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  • will break
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  • will you do
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