

词汇 think little of
释义 think little of
think little of发音




think better of───重新考虑后决定不做;对…有更高的评价

make little of───不理解;不重视

think less of───小看某人;轻视某人

think more of───更重视;更看重

think nothing of───把……视为平常

in little───小规模地

in virtue of───由于;凭借

the like of───像……这样的人(东西)

think much of───认为……很不错;对……重视


All the visitors think little of the service here.───所有的游客对此地的服务印象都不好.

Therefore, we could never think little of them.───所以,对于它们, 我们不可不重视.

People think little of her just because she is too blonde.───人们不重视她只是应为她太漂亮.

I think little of my former friend.───我轻视我以前的朋友.

Either way, a lie says you think little of the person you’re lying to.───另一方面,你对他说谎,意味着你毫不考虑到他的感受。

I gave him some good advice, but he think little of it.───我给他提了些好的建议,但他根本不理会。

You may think little of the pennies and nickels you save by practicing fuel-efficient driving, but you may save just enough to skip a few trips to the gas pump every month.───你可能不在乎以省油驾驶方法省下的几个钱,但你省下的足以使你每月少加几次油。

It is wrong to think little of everything.───对什么都不在乎是不对的.

Susan, don't think little of yourself!───苏珊, 不要小看你自己!

You think little of that boy.───你太过看扁这男孩了.


You think little of that boy.

Sometimes he played soldiers with them and they thought little of his plans for defence in depth.

True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.C.S. Lewis

Susan, don't think little of yourself!

I think little of my former friend.

Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.C.S. Lewis

Do you think less of me for agreeing to do it?

Ought we to think less of Johnson for agreeing because he knew full well that he could influence Boswell?

They neither pressed him on the issue nor thought less of him for showing his emotions.

  • think big
  • think sad
  • thinker toys
  • thinker bell
  • thinking pattern
  • think critically
  • think at
  • think poorly of
  • thinks over
  • think first
  • thinking cap
  • think in
  • thinking in JAVA
  • think a minute
  • think better
  • think out
  • think through
  • think off
  • thinking of
  • think dirty
  • think out of the box




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