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that is that───就是这样

the fact that───……的事实

this and that───又是这个…又是那个;各种各样的东西

leave it at that───暂时停止争论

how's that───你怎么看;怎么样;那是怎么一回事;怎麽会

that's that───就这样

the shit hit the fan───屎砸到风扇上了


Why is it that silver is not widely used as conductor?───银究竟为什么未被广泛地用作导体 呢 ?

Why is it that the first gray hairs stick straight out?───为什么最初的白头发会挺得笔直的(那么显眼)?

Why is it that the Internet plays such an important role in our daily life? It's a long story.───为什么因特网在我们的生活中发挥了重要的作用?这说来话长。

Why is it that you've come out against the proposal he put forward?───为什么你要反对他提出的建议 呢 ?

Why is it that he rarely mentions his childhood?───他为什么很少提到他的儿童时代 呢 ?

Why is it that a plumber can earn more than a scientist?───为什么管子工挣的钱比科学家要多 呢 ?

And why is it that you recheck and review all of your testing several times?───那么为什么你一再检查你的所有测试?

Why is it that I always land up cleaning the bath?───为什麽总是该我来洗刷浴缸?

Why is it that they left you alone here?───他们究竟为什么把你单独留在这里不管 呢 ?

Why is it that my yard is that mutt's outhouse?───怎么我的院子变成了那混蛋狗的厕所了?

Why is it that we're only willing to do that when a life is at stake?───为什么只有在性命攸关的时候我们才想起这么做?

A: Why is it that I find chocolate so addictive?───我发现巧克力很容易上瘾,这是为什么?

Why is it that productivity increases as quality improves?───为什么生产力会随着品质改进而提升?

Why is it that I always find you in the middle of a tussle?───为什么每次打斗我总是能够看到你?

And why is it that a foreigner was as designer?───再者,为什麽是个外国人来设计?

why is it that we love to pucker up?───我们为什么那么喜欢把嘴撅起来呢?

Why is it that our self-judgments shift like weather on a spring day?───为什么我们对自我的判断总像“二月的天”那样变得那么快呢?

Why is it that I am always into such crazed , hare - brained projects?───为什么我总是做这种傻呼呼 、 死队的事情啊?


Why is it that they bestow their ardour upon the well-adjusted, wholesome architects of pop's fatal new maturity?

Why is it that you've come out against the proposal he put forward?

Why is it that I always land up cleaning the bath?

Why is it that I find chocolate so addictive?

Why is it that people who've given up smoking become so evangelical and intolerant of other smokers?

Why is it that most women will not go out of the house without bags loaded with objects of no immediate use?

And why is it that evil movie fishermen always dump dioxin into the ocean?

Why is it that we in this great nation consistently fail to grasp the deep-seated social and economic problems that plague us?

Why is it that the Government do not want to debate what is happening in Renfrewshire?

  • why do birds
  • why always me
  • why the hold
  • why i
  • why do not
  • why do why
  • why tree
  • why a fan
  • why why shannon
  • why so sorry
  • why we exercise
  • why so sad
  • why not now
  • why is it that
  • why the
  • why any
  • why not is me
  • why i am
  • why is the weekend beat up
  • why do you like it
  • why so serious




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