

词汇 whole grains
释义 whole grains
whole grains发音





mole drains───地下排水沟,鼠道式排水沟

whole gales───[气象]狂风

pollen grains───花粉粒(pollengrain的复数)

choke chains───(能够抽紧的)狗项圈

food grains───粮食

ghost trains───魔鬼火车



Intrinsically, we all know that whole foods, such as fruit, vegetables, and whole grains are best for us.───从实质上讲,我们都知道天然的食物,比如水果、蔬菜和全谷类是最适合我们的。

If your child doesn't like eating whole grains, try other foods, such as bread mixed with white and brown rice.───如果你的孩子不喜欢吃全麦食物,可以尝试其他食物,如混合白米和糙米的面包。

The high B vitamin content of whole grains also helps reduce the inflammatory hormone 17 homocystine in the body.───全谷物的高 B 维生素含量也有助于减少体内的炎症激素17同型半胱氨酸。

Fruits and vegetables, whole grains, high-fiber foods, and oily fish should make up the biggest part of a woman's diet.───水果、蔬菜、全谷类,高纤维食物、和油性鱼类应构成女人饮食的最大部分。

If you've ever tried to lose weight, you know just how healthy whole grains are for your body; however, they are also great for your brain.───如果您曾经尝试过减肥,那么您一定知道五谷杂粮对身体的益处;然而事实上,它们对您的大脑来说也是好处多多。

Even those that boast whole grains typically remove the germ, one of the more nutritious parts of a whole grain kernel.───即使是那些号称由全谷物制成的,基本上都除去了内核——也就是谷粒中最具营养的部分。

Eventually you get a feeling for how much you can and can't eat, and how to add carbs that are healthy (such as whole grains).───最终,你会感知自己能吃多少、不能吃多少碳水化合物以及如何增加碳水化合物(比如全谷类),才健康。

So if you're trying to incorporate more heart- healthy whole grains into your diet, Quinoa is a great place to start.───所以如果你正试图增加更多的健康谷物到你的饮食的话,藜麦是一个很好的开端。

A balanced diet consists of a variety of food. Whole grains should be consumed as the major component of each meal .───均衡饮食应该含有不同种类的食物,以全谷类食物作为每餐主要食粮。


Whole grains are higher in fiber than processed grains, making them harder to digest.

How might whole grains help? Whole grains are higher in fiber than processed grains, making them harder to digest.

Some vitamin B3 is also found in whole grains.

Serve a blend of fruit or whole grains along with some protein such as Canadian bacon or eggs.

Using whole grains (like whole wheat pasta or whole wheat bread), vegetables, lean meats or beans, and reduced fat cheese can all make these meals more flavorful and healthful too.

A macrobiotic diet consists mainly of whole grains and certain kinds of vegetables.

Whole grains including rolled oats, barley, and brown rice along with carbs found in fruits and vegetables are essential.

She buys teff and other whole grains.

Whole grains like oatmeal and whole wheat bread are a must as well.

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