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词汇 when then
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when then发音



even then───conj.即使那样;即使在那时

what then───下步怎么办,那便会怎么样呢?





when ever───conj.无论何时,无论什么情况;每当;别的什么时候(也可以);adv.不论何时,随便什么时候;究竟什么时候


When then the module-specific class loader for module 2 loads its module's code and finds a reference to another module (again, the common objects library) it loads that module.───当模块2的特定于模块的类加载器加载它的模块的代码并找到对另一个模块(同样是公共对象库)的引用时,它加载那个模块。

WHEN then said, “Well, what about that new job you were going to apply for?───等到”接着说:“对了,你先前打算申请的那份新工作怎么样了?

Bishop recalls that when then-CEO Phillip Lippincott stopped by, a senior VP broke down and apologized for fighting his boss at every turn.───比索普记得飞利浦.林波特曾经拜访过他,当时他处于崩溃的状态,还并不停地因为跟老板作而道歉。 现在飞利浦已经是一家公司的首席执行官了。

WHEN then went on to tell IF about his week, hoping that it would cheer him up a bit.───然后WHEN接着告诉IF他这周的计划,希望能让他振作些。

If a default is not a question of if, but when, then the majority of Greek people would like to just get it over with.───是否违约不是一个假设中的问题,而是个时间上的问题,因此大多数希腊人想要的仅仅是赶快把事情办妥。

Everyone needs to be loved. . . especially when then do not deserve it.───那些不值得被爱的人更需要关怀。

When then thou art discontented about any of these things, say to thyself, that thou art yielding to pain.───然后当你不满于这些事情时,你就对自己说,我是在遭受痛苦。

If I convinced own, gave up you, when then I only then may cool this section of sentiment?───如果我说服了自己,放弃了你,那我什么时候才可以冷却这段感情?

When there is only one monk, he makes water himself; When then appeared another monk, they have nothing to drink.───当只有一个和尚的时候,他自己挑水喝;可当另一个和尚出现后,他们却没水喝了。

  • when will i
  • when it is
  • when are you going
  • when i saw
  • when i will do
  • whence cometh evil
  • when it comes to
  • when is your birthday
  • when you cut
  • when a bad man
  • when the day l
  • when then
  • when we disco
  • when life
  • when will you
  • when i get
  • when At
  • when the world
  • when my eyes
  • whenwearrivgo into
  • when is mayday




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