what then───下步怎么办,那便会怎么样呢?
giant clam───大砗磲;巨蛤
wheat cake───[食品]麦饼
wheat crop───小麦作物
what a lark!───真有意思
chat away───闲谈
Affirmed this lad to separate too much, otherwise said what old clan long can't come in person, both of, also good, is to should make this kid understand some thing, is not small either.───肯定这个家伙太过分了,要不然说什么老族长也不会亲自来的,也好,是该让这个孩子明白点东西,也不小了。
The Bad Moon Clan are what passes for a merchant class in Ork society, continuously buying, selling, swapping, and conning to get teeth. Bad Moons are found in almost every Ork tribe.───这个在绿皮社会中被视为商人阶层的氏族总在买进、卖出、斤斤计较的搜刮着每一颗牙齿,每个兽人部族里都多少有那么几个来自恶月的商贩。
In a world where the largest social unit is the tribe, clan or what-you-will of a few hundred people, your neighbours and your other Allies will normally look a lot like you, and act similarly.───在一个最大的社会单位是部落、宗族或你作为一员的几百人团体的社会里,你的邻居和其他同盟者通常看起来都非常像你,而且行为相似。
- what i what
- what can he do
- what a treat
- what wanna be
- what would it be
- what do i do
- what a ball
- what a good day
- what say you
- what is mean
- what s mean
- what do you like
- what a study
- what do do
- what high
- what a table
- what isup
- what s in it
- what clan
- what here
- what matters