

词汇 what a life
释义 what a life
what a life发音



get a life───做点有益的事;振作起来;别呆头呆脑

have a life───过得充实;好好生活

that's life───生活本就如此;这就是人生;生之乐章(歌曲名,That'sLife)

shoot a line───打一条线

what a lark!───真有意思

at a time───一次;每次;在某时

draw a line───画一条线,划一界线

half life───n.半衰期;半存留期;半排出期

ruin a life───毁掉生活


I will have the beach, boys to bring me beer, sun, and young gay companions. What a life.───我仍然会到海滩去,要侍者为我拿酒,要享受海边的阳光,要与年轻的伙伴同乐。多么美好的生活!

I like the coastal city -what a life to settle here!───我喜欢这个海滨城市,住在这儿生活会多好啊。

What a joy, what a life, what a chance!───怎样的快乐,怎样的生活,怎样的机遇!

I've been so lucky , I am the girl with golden hair I wanna sing it out to everybody What a joy, what a life, what a chance !───我是如此幸运,我是拥有金色头发的女孩我想要对每个人歌唱这是怎样的快乐,怎样的生活,怎样的机遇!

First think of yourself to what a life, then decided to find what kind of occupation.───先想好自己要过怎样的人生,再决定要找什么样的职业。

At present Wang Shi Xun really felt that what a life time friendship is to be subjected to to stimulate.───这下子王世勋真的觉得世雅是受什么刺激了。

What a life. backache, headaches, or her mum told her not to have sex when there's an R in the month.───日子过得真没劲。背痛,头痛,或者她妈妈告诉她在冬季各月不要过性生活。

Just think. If we embrace life like a mayfly, what a life that would be! Vodafone!───想想,如果我们像蜻蜓一样拥抱着生命,那生活将是多美好!

Thinkin' of the day when you went away. What a life to take, what a bond to break, I'll be missing you.───想着你离去的那一天。将要过怎样的生活,打破怎样的束缚,我会想念你。


What a life it is ! It is a very lonely , restless, joyless life.

What a life, what fun, what pickings were there here!

Here I am at a crummy hotel with no clean clothes, no money and suffering from shock. What a life!

  • what i what
  • what can he do
  • what a treat
  • what wanna be
  • what would it be
  • what do i do
  • what a ball
  • what a good day
  • what say you
  • what is mean
  • what s mean
  • what do you like
  • what a study
  • what do do
  • what high
  • what a table
  • what isup
  • what s in it
  • what clan
  • what here
  • what matters




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