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词汇 westward movement
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downward movement───向下运动

Oxford movement───n.牛津运动(英国基督教圣公会重整教义礼仪的一场运动,起源于1833年牛津大学,故而得名)

awkward moment───尴尬时刻

nastic movement───[植]感性运动;感性

resistance movement───抵抗运动

homelands movement───家园运动

resistance movements───抵抗运动

Jesus Movement───耶稣运动;耶稣子民运动

Labor movement───工人运动;劳工运动


Xibe nationality's westward movement has rewritten and created Xibe group's history and has exercised a tremendous influence on Xibe's culture.───锡伯族西迁改写和创造了锡伯族的历史,对锡伯族的文化产生了很大的影响。

Westward Movement has great impacts on the formation, development, and actuality of U. S. A., especially on its culture.───西进运动,对于美国的产生、发展与现状都有着重要的联系。

American transportation revolution in the 19th century speeded the process of westward movement.───19世纪美国交通运输革命极大地推进了西进运动的进程。

PROFILE of the Westward Movement on American economic, political and community have had a significant and far-reaching impact.───PROFILE·这场西进运动对美国的经济、政治和社会都产生了重大而深远的影响。

The westward movement of population across the United States led to expanded agricultural production.───在美国的人口西进运动导致农业生产的增加。

The British Proclamation of 1763 ordered a halt to the westward movement at the Appalachians, but the decree was widely disregarded.───英国的1763年公告命令在阿巴拉契亚山脉停止西进运动,但是这个法令被广泛无视。

The westward movement was characterized by periods of good prices for farm products followed by periods of low prices.───在向西部地区移民的过程中,往往有一段时期农产品价格上升,随后有一段时期价格又下降。

to a large degree , it is also the trumpet of american ' s westward movement , territory enlargement and overseas expansion.───在一定程度上说,它也是美国人向西部进发,开疆拓土,对外扩张的号角和战鼓。

In the Westward Movement, those who tirelessly real pioneer has been lucrative.───在西进运动中,那些实实在在的不辞辛劳的拓荒者得到了丰厚回报。


The British Proclamation of 1763 ordered a halt to the westward movement at the Appalachians, but the decree was widely disregarded.

  • westward the women
  • westward game
  • westward movement




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