weighing out───v.称出
weighing in───加入比赛;比赛前量体重;参加辩论
bigging up───v.大肆夸赞;尊重
coughing up───咳出;勉强说出;被迫付出
digging up───挖出;掘起;开垦;发现
dishing up───起锅,分盛;把食物装盘,盛在盘中端上
fetching up───引起;到达;最终成为
Do you think they sit like monks weighing up? Right and wrong?───你以为他们会同修道士们一样,权衡是非对错吗。
Requiring private capital is another way to bring rigour: its suppliers are used to weighing up the returns from competing uses.───必要的私人资本投资是另外一种确保严谨的方式:其供给者往往会在竞争的资金使用者之间衡量其收益。
In the first set of answers humans are seen as rational, logical creatures who make decisions about money by carefully weighing up the present against the future.───根据第一种解释,我们认为人类是有理性、有逻辑的生物,我们会仔细权衡现在与将来来做出花钱的决定。
Right now I'm weighing up the pleasure of eating an ice cream against my desire to stay out here lying in the dappled shade of this tree.───现在,我正在衡量,到底是吃冰淇淋的乐趣多呢,还是躺在这棵大树的树荫下的欲望比较大。
Sliding along steel wire with mailbags weighing up to 30 kilograms became just one of her many responsibilities.───每天背着30公斤重的邮包溜索成为她众多责任中的一个。
Company officials say it will be able to transport satellites or spacecraft weighing up to fifty-three metric tons into orbit.───公司官方表示它能够将重达五十三公吨的人造卫星或者宇宙飞船送入轨道。
Ignore conventional wisdom - comparing options directly is often too difficult because we're forever weighing up apples against oranges.───对一般看法置之不理-要直接比较选择往往会很难,因为我们永远都在将两个完全不同事物拿来比较。
Instead, it agreed to allow one dog per apartment with adult weights of less than 80 pounds or two dogs weighing up to 30 pounds each.───相反,委员会同意每套公寓养一只成年体重在80磅以下的狗,或两只每只体重不超过30磅的狗。
The once docile middle, weighing up options as the unrest persists, is no longer finding it easy to be neutral.───一度温顺的中级阶层也因持续的动荡衡量着应该做出一些选择,因为现在可没那么容易保持中立态度了。
Thinker - producing carefully considered ideas and weighing up and improving ideas from other people.
The blue whale is a vast creature, weighing up to 30 tons.
She bit her lip, weighing up in her confused mind where to run.
We're still weighing up the pros and cons of the two options.
Weighing up the competition is an important part of marketing.
I'm weighing up my options before I decide to apply for the job.
But it is a matter of realistically weighing up the pros and cons.
In calmer times I try to analyse, weighing up the pros and cons.
When you are weighing up which lender to go to for your loan, you ignore their differences at your peril.
- weighing up