teal blue───青凫;水鸭蓝
teal blues───青凫;水鸭蓝
wear out───磨损,耗尽;穿破;使精疲力竭
powder blue───n.浅灰蓝色;adj.浅蓝色的
swear blind───一口咬定
Today, police and other public servants wear blue.───今天,警察和其他公务员都穿蓝色衣服。
Choose bedding in shades of blue and wear blue pajamas.───也可以选择深浅不一的蓝色床上用品,穿上蓝色的睡衣。
I'd rather wear blue than pink.───我宁愿穿蓝色也不愿穿粉红色。
"If some people wanted to wear blue shirts and others white" , that was fine, he said.───他表示,“如果有人要穿蓝色衬衫,而其他人要穿白色”,这不成问题。
Huian the female likes to wear blue shirt, black pants, from the color, the clothing and Yunnan Aquarium are almost the same.───惠安女喜欢穿青色的上衣,黑色的裤子,从色彩上看,和云南水族的服装几乎是一样的。
May: The doctors wear white, firefighters wear red, and the police wear blue?───阿美:医生穿白色,消防队员穿红的,警察穿蓝的。
You'd better wear blue or black pants with your blown shoes.───穿棕色鞋子的时候,最好要穿蓝色或黑色裤子。
The Naxi women wear blue blouses and trousers covered by blue or black aprons .───纳西族妇女穿的是蓝色的上衣和裤子,外面是蓝色或黑色的围裙。
Men wear blue, women wear red. Security personnel wear white.───男人穿蓝色,女人穿红色,保安穿白色。
The second-years wear blue dresses and white belts.
Choose bedding in shades of blue and wear blue pajamas.
Marine Corps Private First Class Lance Corporal " U. S. " Marine Corps rank from the rank of Major ...Led the vertical center "of" each shoulder strap to wear blue.
It was all a big mystery to me, we were made to wear blue ties, white shirts and blue trousers.
Kids who want to live to morning recess do not wear blue velvet outfits with white neck-buttoned shirts.
Hookers don't even wear blue eye shadow.
- wear like
- wear with it
- wear ties
- wearing blue
- wear today
- weary emoji
- wear out your welcome
- wearing out my shoes
- wear shorts
- wear dresses
- wear plus
- weare family
- wear a smilboated
- wear o
- weare helpful
- wear and tear
- wear blue
- wearer meaning
- wear well
- wearer means
- wears off fairly quickly