v.破产,淘汰; 刷洗; 冲掉
wash outs───淘汰;洗净;破产
bash out───痛击
cash out───现金支出
hash out───消除,经过长时间讨论解决一个问题
lash out───猛击;猛烈抨击;大肆挥霍
washed out───褪色的,洗旧了的;筋疲力尽的
washes out───淘汰;洗净;破产
I want to wash out oneself, actually how also washes not cleanly.───我想冲刷一下自己, 却怎么也洗不干净.
A porous pellet was fabricated by the well - known wash - out process.───用熟知的浸洗办法制出带孔的药丸.
I just want to wash out one or two rags.───我正想洗出一两块抹布.
But the picture wash out, really have a bit east Shi demeanor.───但照片洗出来, 还真的有点东施的风范.
Blood may wash out dishonour.───血可以洗清耻辱.
I can't wash out the marks from the shirt.───我难以从衬衫上洗去印迹.
Thick black ink like that doesn't usually wash out.───那么浓黑的墨汁一般是洗不掉的.
Was she able to wash out the dirty mark in her dress?───她有办法洗去衣服上的污迹 吗 ?
This stain won't wash out.───这块污迹洗不掉.
Such observation could not wash out the interference pattern.───这样的观察当然不可能消除掉干涉图样.
I am afraid you must wash out this stain.───恐怕你必须洗掉这个污渍.
Let us hang the wash out and wash the dishes, (Huh!)───让我们洗完衣服洗盘子,(哼!)
But someone had to wash out the hole.───不过总得有人把坑洗干净。
These ink stains won't wash out.───这些墨渍洗不掉。
I just want to wash out one or two dish – choths.───我只想把几块洗碟布洗干净.
With permanent tints, the result won't wash out.───用的是永久性的涂料,洗不掉。
The dirty marks will wash out.───污渍可以洗去.
Was he able to wash out her dirty coat?───她能把她的脏衣服洗出来 吗 ?
It was my job to wash out the fish tank.
- wash face
- washing line
- wash the house
- washerwomen strike
- wash himself
- wash sale
- washed down
- washed away
- washable markers
- wash my face
- wash his bed
- washboard picture
- wash up
- wash clean
- wash my clothes
- washes hair
- washthIt stall
- wash hands
- wash cloths
- washington redskins
- wash the socks