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词汇 walk into
释义 walk into
walk into发音


走进; <非正>痛骂; <非正>大吃大喝; 未经许可进入


walks into───v.走进;不慎陷入;痛斥

talk into───说服某人做某事

walked into───v.走进;不慎陷入;痛斥

talks into───说服某人做某事

walk in on───撞见;不期而遇;突然进来

fall into───落入;分成

pack into───挤进…里;塞进

wade into───精神饱满地开始;猛烈攻击

walk it───(非正式)轻易取胜;徒步旅行


Walk into the house, he has just closed the door.───走进房子, 他就关上了门.

What is the first thing you notice when you walk into a shop?───你走进一家商店时,首先注意到的是什么?

I can't allow my best people to walk into what is obviously a trap.───我不能让我的人民走进这个显而易见的陷阱.

That teacher is looking his all students walk into the reading room.───那位老师看着他所有的学生走进阅览室.

Prophetic people walk into a garden, resist hard malic fragrance.───先知们走进园子, 难以抵御苹果的香味.

If I walk into a buyer's office now and he says:'What?───假如我现在走进人家的办公室,对方如果这样说: 什么?

When I left school, I could walk into any job.───我毕业后可以不费吹灰之力地找到任何工作。

Sure. Go straight ahead and you'll walk into it.───当然, 往前直走,你就可走进电梯间了.

You walk into the pond.───你走进池塘。

You'd walk into the room with a chip on your shoulder.───你总是盛气凌人地走进房间里.

Yale seemed able to walk into the Governor's office whenever he chose.───看样子,耶尔只要高兴,随时可以走进州长办公室.

'set a trap for him to walk into, eh? "───“ 设下圈套给自己钻, 是 吗 ? ”

If you walk into a - style coffee shop, you will see them.───只要你走进一家 西式 咖啡屋, 就会看到它们.

I never walk into my own tailor's without feeling apologetic.───每逢去裁缝店,我心中都怀着一丝歉意.

Why did Rosemary Telesco ever have to walk into my life?───为什么罗斯玛利要闯进我的生活?

You could always walk into a garden.───你可以随时走进花园。

They began to hum when seeing Jackson walk into the hall.───他们一看到杰克逊走进大厅,开始发出了嘈杂声.

When we walk into a crowded room it's like we're all alone.───当我们踱进拥挤的房间,似乎我们都是独身.

  • walk alonminsuprene
  • walking stick
  • walking up
  • walked by
  • walk tall
  • walk up and down
  • walking pace
  • walk star
  • walk master
  • walk past
  • walkie talkie
  • walk by
  • walk around
  • walk then
  • walk out without a word
  • walked off
  • walked through
  • walk fast
  • walked down
  • walks swept
  • walking onahole




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