

词汇 Big UP
释义 Big UP
Big UP发音



bigs up───v.大肆夸赞;尊重

bag up───把……包起来;把……装进袋子;入袋

bug up───迷惑起来,激动起来

dig up───挖出;掘起;开垦;发现

rig up───装配;草草做成

bring up───提出;教育;养育;呕出;(船等)停下

bang up───砰地摔下,弄坏


Most Chinese people, when asked about the second largest economy, thought that it was a plot to big up China.───而多数中国人觉得,说中国已经世界第二是一种“忽悠”。

That's a big up-front investment for a product that most people want just during the few weeks after it first comes out.───这简直就是对一个产品的超前投资,并且是许多人在每盘带子面世以后的几周内都有人想要观赏。

thing for you is your belly, shich should be big up day by day.───要紧的是肚子,它一天一天要大起来的啊!

Together with a sudden lightning across the sky, followed by scornful thunder, rain, big up.───突然天空划过一道闪电,紧接着几声雷鸣,雨又大起来了。

More interestingly, when asked about E2, many Chinese thought it was a plot to big up China.───更有意思的是,多数中国人觉得说中国已经世界第二是一种“忽悠”。

The hearts of the hardware nowadays we have a number of oil and hardware to go more, order is not necessarily a big up.───时下硬件的油水大家心中都有数,硬件走的再多,订单不一定大的起来。

I can be quite small, about 4 feet (1. 2 meters) long or pretty big, up to 30 feet (about 9 meters) log from nose to tail!───我可能十分小,从鼻到尾约4英尺(1.2米)长或者十分大,达到30英尺(约9米)长!

the great thing for you is your belly, which should be big up day by day.───现在最要紧的是肚子,它一天一天要大起来的啊!

For example, Spanish and Portuguese are big up and comers online, and the competition is still very weak.───例如,西班牙语和葡萄牙语在网上也算是大语种了,但其竞争力仍然很弱。


I jab a finger forward and Lucker nods in big up and down sweeps.

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