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词汇 virtual reality
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virtual realities───虚拟现实

brutal reality───残酷的现实

cruel reality───残酷的现实

virtual retail───虚拟零售

distort reality───歪曲现实

historical reality───历史现实

painful reality───痛苦的现实

virtual memory───虚拟内存

virtual wallet───虚拟钱包


One day virtual reality will revolutionize the entertainment industry.───有朝一日虚拟现实将给娱乐业带来一场革命。

Jaron Lanier coined the term "virtual reality" and pioneered its early development.───加隆·雷尼尔首创“虚拟现实”一词,并率先进行早期开发。

Jaron Lanier coined the term "virtual reality" and pioneered its early development.───杰伦·拉尼尔创造了“虚拟现实”这个词,并成为推动其早期发展的先驱人物。

It is a new synthesis of cyberspace, virtual reality, network world, and information society.───它是对赛博空间 、 虚拟现实 、 网络世界和信息社会等新实体的综合.

This article reviewed general information , application and progress of the virtual reality ( VR ) technique.───摘要对虚拟现实技术的概况及其在法医病理中的运用、发展前景进行了综述.

After this, this thesis states and comments on Gordon Grahams ontological analyses on virtual reality.───在此基础上, 评述了戈登·格雷厄姆对虚拟现实的本体论分析.

This device helps make virtual reality a more usable and accessible technology.───这一装置有助于使虚拟现实成为更可用、更便利的技术。

VCV integrates the techniques of virtual prototype , joint simulation virtual reality and database.───虚拟战车是一种人在回路的计算机仿真系统.

With respect to kansei perception, actual products convey higher degree than virtual reality or augmented reality.───整体而言,在意象认知的传达上, 仍以实际产品的效果为最佳,优于虚拟实境与扩增实境方式.

VRML ( Virtual Reality Modeling Language ) is representative in the WEB 3 D technology.───VRML ( 虚拟现实建模语言 ) 是网络三维技术中的代表.

And the computing power increases, the speed prices of virtual reality systems are expected to drop.───而随着计算机机率的提高, 人们期望虚拟现实系统难以接受的价格将会下降.

Application of Simulation and Virtual Reality to industrial environments or to specialised training activities.───运用能模拟和虚拟现实到工业环境或专业的培训活动中.

No, this isn't an ad for another virtual reality computer game.───不, 这不是另一个虚拟现实电脑游戏的广告.

To some extent the life on the net is a life of virtual reality.───网络生活是一种真实的虚拟人生.

Ergonomics based human modeling and motion simulation are becoming a hot topic in virtual reality ( VR ).───基于人机工效学的人体建模和运动仿真是虚拟现实技术中的研究热点之一.

Soon the wearer of a virtual reality headset will be able to be "present" at sporting or theatrical events staged thousands of miles away.───不久,戴上虚拟现实的头戴式视图器,人们将能“现场观看”几千英里之外进行的体育比赛或剧场演出。

One day virtual reality will revolutionize the entertainment industry.───有一天虚拟现实将使娱乐业发生革命性的变化。

Sensory technology is one of the key technology of telepresence and virtual reality.───临场感和虚拟现实技术是当前的热门技术.

Architects are expected to be the biggest users of virtual reality design applications.───据预料,建筑师将是虚拟现实设计的最主要的应用者.

Nowadays , virtual reality technology has been used as teaching assistant tools in colleges.───虚拟现实技术作为新的教学媒体技术已经进入高校的教学.

The other is a Computer Graphics visualization education system produced by Visualization and Virtual Reality Lab.───另一个计算机图形学可视化教学系统是由虚拟现实与可视化技术实验室设计的远程教学系统.

Virtual reality is the most representative of the simulation system.───虚拟现实就是最有代表性的仿真系统.

You can practice Virtual Reality and cause different activations within you.───你可以练习虚拟现实来激活一个不同的振动.

This paper discussed the origin and concept of virtual reality agriculture and its application to agriculture.───本文论述了虚拟农业的由来、概念,以及虚拟现实技术在农业上的应用状况.

Soon the wearer of a virtual reality headset will be able to be "present" at sporting or theatrical events staged thousands of miles away.───要不了多久,头戴虚拟现实视图器的人将能够“现场观看”几千英里之外举行的体育赛事或剧场演出。

Sound simulation is an important part of virtual reality.───声音仿真技术是虚拟现实技术的一个重要组成部分.

This thesis implements an application software using virtual reality technology for interior designer and furniture industry.───本论文以平面设计结合网路虚拟实境软体来为室内设计及家具产业制作一个应用软体.


Jaron Lanier coined the term "virtual reality" and pioneered its early development.

  • virtual human experience
  • virtual keyboard
  • virtually day and night
  • virtual slime
  • virtual human
  • virtual assistant




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