with a vinegar-based dressing; experiment to find a tasty one you like, such as mustard vinaigrette for extra flavor.───以醋作为主打结束调味。通过不断尝试,找到自己喜欢的口味,比如说芥末味的,还能作为特别口味。
I always serve the veal with gravy and a vegetable. like spinach leaves and vinaigrette dressing.───我总是将小牛肉和肉汁及一种蔬菜搭配在一起,像菠菜十和香料配料。
Add a salad with vinaigrette dressing so you get enough food to feel full; the vinegar in the dressing will also help lower the GL of the meal.───加了调味料的沙拉,这样你足够能有饱腹感。加了醋的话,还能帮你降低这顿饭的血糖指数。
I always serve the veal with gravy and a vegetable, like spinach leaves and vinaigrette dressing.───我总是将小牛肉和肉汁及一种蔬菜搭配在一起,像菠菜叶和香料配料。
Prepare a vinaigrette dressing with olive oil, white wine vinegar, and mustard.
I always serve the veal with gravy and a vegetable, like spinach leaves and vinaigrette dressing.
The red wine vinaigrette dressing, however, could use a makeover.
- vinaigrette dressing