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词汇 viet cong
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Viet Cong───越共


diet cola───健怡可乐

Soviet Zone───苏区

quiet corner───安静的角落

Viet Minh───越盟

diet food───减肥食物;规定的食物

get along───(勉强)生活;进展;(使)前进;与…和睦相处

get wrong───出错;误会


we listened while America blamed it all on the Viet Cong.───我们听到的却是美国将这一切都归咎于越共。

One reason for this is because the Viet Cong were using guerrilla tactics.───之一是因为越共使用游击战术。

She said, 'I can't have a son named William with the Viet Cong around.'───她说,‘周围都是越共,我不能有个名叫威廉的儿子。’

By 1958, Communist-led guerrillas known as the Viet Cong had begun to battle the South Vietnamese government.───1958年,越共游击队即越共开始与南越政府开战。

Why does America need to have a Superior Army anyway? The Viet cong and Taliban already prove that Superiority is not the key to victory.───不管怎么样,为什么美国需要在军事实力上占上峰呢?越南战争及塔利班已经是最好的例证军事实力并非取胜的关键。

In 1968 the old imperial city had fallen to the Viet Cong and every priest, doctor, and community leader had been slaughtered by them.───1968年,这个古老的皇城落入越共之手,牧师,医生和社区领袖全遭杀害。

By the 1990s they were media events, with protesters camped in tree-houses or warren s inspired by the tunnels of the Viet Cong.───到了90十年代,规模扩大到媒体都开始介入,抗议者们受越共隧道的启发,在树上小屋或者狭窄街区驻扎安营。

Vietnam War: US and South Vietnamese forces engage Viet Cong troops in the Mekong Delta.───年的越南战争中:美国和南越的军人,与越共军队在湄公河的三角州交战。


The First Team was extending deep into the middle of Viet Cong territory.

The village is soon surrounded by the Viet Cong, who launch attacks at night.

Viet Cong forces quickly recaptured the soldiers.

In Vietnam, General Gap's Viet Cong turned military weakness into a strategy for victory. His invisible guerrilla force defeated one of the mightiest armies in the world.

By 1958, Communist-led guerrillas known as the Viet Cong had begun to battle the South Vietnamese government.

One of our agents there says the Viet Cong were trying to extract too much protection money, and my husband refused.

US soldiers are on the search for Viet Cong hideouts in a swampy jungle creek bed, June 6, 1965, at Chutes de Trian, some 40 miles northeast of Saigon, South Vietnam.

Across the river, the Viet Cong territory was a number of scalped hills: it had been defoliated.

A: We suspected them of being Viet Cong.

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