

词汇 variety show
释义 variety show
variety show发音

杂耍; 综艺节目



variety shows───综艺节目;杂耍表演

variety store───杂货店

variety stores───杂货店

charity shop───慈善商店

galanty show───n.影子戏

raree show───街头表演;奇观

reality show───真人秀;逼真的表演(真实);(根据真实故事制作而成的)社会传真节目


She often watches variety show to alleviate pressure.───她经常通过看综艺节目来减轻压力。

It's my favorite Variety Show about modern music.───这是我最喜欢的综艺节目,是关于现代音乐的.

She made her TV debut in a Japanese variety show in 2001.───2001年,她参加了一期综艺节目,这是她首次在电视上亮相.

Game booths, health talk and variety show.───摊位游戏 、 健康讲座及综合表演.

The one in the Cadillac was taken when they were leaving the recording of a variety show.───这张是在凯迪拉克内拍摄的,他们当时正离开一场综合演出的录制现场。

A: I visited the famous variety show host, Dennis.───我拜访过著名的综艺主持人丹尼斯.

The most vulnerable to stir up trouble among the variety show award in this category.───上最容易惹是非的当属综艺节目奖这一类别.

Two comedians followed ( eg in a variety show ) by way of light relief.───两名喜剧演员接著上场使观众轻松一下 ( 如杂耍演出中 ).

I also like variety show, but that depends on the host or hostess.───我也喜欢综艺节目, 但这得看节目主持人.

This is a bang - up variety show.───这是 一流 的杂耍表演.

Have fun with Zeng Guo Cheng, Blackie Chen and Tammy Chen in this awesome variety show!───由曾国城 、 陈建州(黑人)和陈怡蓉主持的娱乐性丰富综艺节目.

They can also be seen off-set: hosting debates, showing up as guests on late-night comedy shows, and even making fun of themselves in skits like those on the comic variety show Saturday night Live.───播报新闻,他们偶尔也会主持辩论或做客午夜喜剧节目,甚至会在综艺节目如《周六夜现场》上表演滑稽短剧,拿自己来开涮。

Who is the host of the variety show?───这个综艺节目的主持人是谁?

  • variety show
  • variety is the spice of life
  • variety shows




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