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词汇 unmarried women
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unmarried mother───未婚妈妈

unmarried mothers───未婚母亲

married name───婚后女士的姓,夫姓

married names───已婚的名字

career women───n.职业女性

carried on───继续;参与

carried over───转入;[会计]过次页


unmarried women had higher income than their 1970 counterparts.───未婚妇女比1970年收入更高。

unmarried women who were eligible to vote didn't do so.───资格投票的未婚女性没有参加投票。

Unmarried women voted overwhelmingly for Barack Obama.───不结婚的女性们一面倒地把票投给了巴拉克•奥巴马。

And he says that as China continues to evolve, people's expectations will be able to settle down, and so will all the unmarried women.───他还说,随着中国的发展,人们都希望能安定下来,所有的未婚女性也不例外。

Additionally, unmarried women or those living with a partner were also at a greater risk than those who "planned" their pregnancies.───此外,未婚女性和同居女性意外怀孕后流产的风险比“有计划”怀孕的女性高。

lt's like the riddle of the Sphinx. Why are there so many great unmarried women, and no great unmarried men?───这简直是狮身人面像之谜。为什么有那么多未婚好女人,就没有未婚的好男人?

Their assignment was to infiltrate West Germany, seek out powerful, unmarried women, romance them, and squeeze from them all their secrets.───他们的任务是渗透到西德,猎取权重的单身妇女,俘获芳心,并竭力榨取她们所有的秘密。

In Montana, it is illegal for married women to go fishing alone on Sundays, and illegal for unmarried women to fish alone at all.───在蒙大拿,已婚妇女周日独自一人钓鱼是违法的,而未婚妇女只要独自一人钓鱼就违法。

And here's another: out-of-wedlock births have increased in America so that now at least four in ten children are born to unmarried women.───还有另一点证据:美国国内非婚生儿越来越多,导致现在十个孩子中至少有四个的妈妈是未婚女性。


They were partially successful in 1907, when unmarried women ratepayers were allowed to stand as candidates.

In addition, unmarried women carers are more likely than either married women or men to be carrying particularly heavy caring responsibilities.

Eventually unmarried women found vocational outlets as missionaries.

The legislation would also provide cash benefits to states that reduce births by unmarried women.

Marital Status Married women are less likely to move than unmarried women.

It is unmarried women in their late 20s who have the highest risk of illegitimate birth.

The number of births to married women each year according to their parity is known, but not for unmarried women.

And non-poor unmarried women are deciding to have and keep their babies with far greater frequency than in previous eras.

In the world before the camps, the unmarried women and men I knew lived separately.

  • unmarried partner
  • unmarried family
  • unmarried women




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