union member───工会会员
union membership───工会会员;职盟成员
union leaders───工会领袖
union memberships───工会会员;职盟成员
life members───终身会员
are promising a fight. Worse, it is an election year.───更糟糕的是,今年是选举年。
Meanwhile, Nelson began collaborating with likeminded union members in Los Angeles.───与此同时在洛杉矶,尼尔森开始和一些思维活跃的联盟会员合作。
But union members would need to be consulted on all employee-related and operational matters.───但公会成员需要考虑所有关乎雇佣关系和操作流程的事项。
He took a similar tack at an afternoon picnic with union members in Monroe.───他采取了类似的钉在一下午的野餐与工会成员在梦露。
The IMF is akin to a global credit union. Members kick in money. The institution's board lends it out.───IMF很像一个全球信贷实体。成员国交费,IMF董事会负责放贷。
Its attractiveness in the economic storm has never been higher to European Union members and neighbouring economies.───在这场经济风暴中,欧元对于欧盟成员国及相邻经济体的吸引力,达到了前所未有的程度。
Any deal reached between union leaders and management would be subject to a ratification vote by union members.───工会负责人和公司管理层间达成的任何协议都需要获得工会成员投票同意。
Portugal has been seen as one of the European Union members most vulnerable to an attack by the markets after Greece .───葡萄牙一直被市场视为除了希腊以外最容易遭受攻击的欧盟成员国。
But some leading African Union members are fearful of encouraging secessionist sentiment across the continent.───但是,一些非洲联盟的领导成员害怕鼓动割据情绪在整个大陆的扩散。
The majority of union members voted in favour of a strike.
Union members served strike notice late last night.
A solid bloc of union members support the decision.
Management are facing a showdown with union members today.
Some of the union members did not want to picket.
100 union members and supporters picketed outside.
Union members voted to accept management's offer.
Union members will vote on whether to withdraw their labour .
Union members are continuing their occupation of the factory.
- unionist party
- union la
- union army