

词汇 under threat
释义 under threat
under threat发音



under arrest───被逮捕,被捕





idle threat───无效的威胁;虚声恫吓

under fire───受到严厉批评;遭到攻击

under seal───盖上公章;密封



His authority and, by implication, that of his management team is under threat.───他的权威,同时也意味着他整个管理团队的权威,正面临着威胁。

It is not only racial harmony that is under threat.───面临威胁的不仅仅是种族和睦.

Britain's rarest breeding birds are under threat from fanatical and selfish egg collectors.───英国最珍贵的种鸟正因为那些狂热而自私的鸟蛋收集者而面临着威胁。

Chaplin feared that the art of pantomime was under threat.───卓别林担心哑剧艺术面临威胁。

The railway is under threat of closure.───那条铁路有停止运营的迹象.

The city is under threat from a plague of rats.───该市处于鼠患的威胁之下。

Meanwhile, natural forests continue to be under threat.───同时, 自然资源继续受到威胁.

Wild life is under threat everywhere.───野生动物到处受到威胁.

She lives daily under threat of violence.───她每天都生活在暴力威胁之下。

He feared that the art of pantomime was under threat.───他害怕哑剧的艺术会遭受威胁.

The area is under threat from the sheer number of tourists using it.───这一地区由于游客人数太多而面临威胁。

Staff in Scotland are also understood to be under threat.───苏格兰的员工也感到处在威胁之中.

They were under threat of arrest.───他们有被逮捕的威胁.

The new edition of the dictionary carries 7000 additions to the language, which purists say is under threat.───该词典的新版为该语言新增了7,000个词条,纯粹主义者们称该语言正面临威胁。

The future of our wild birds and environment is under threat.───野生鸟类及我们的环境将岌岌可危.


The tribe's traditional way of life is under threat.

The area is under threat from the sheer number of tourists using it.

His position as leader will be under threat at a party congress due next month.

The area remains under threat from commercial developers.

The city is under threat from a plague of rats.

Many wild plants are under threat of extinction.

A third of Africa is under threat of desertification.

The railway is under threat of closure.

She lives daily under threat of violence.

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  • underneath your clothes
  • underpower lines
  • underground trains
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  • under the carpet
  • underline part
  • underhand braids
  • under one




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