

词汇 treatment oil
释义 treatment oil
treatment oil发音



treatment room───治疗室;医疗室

treatment rooms───治疗室;医疗室

treatment options───治疗选择;治疗方案



treatment regime───治疗方案

treatment centre───治疗中心

heating oil───民用燃料油,加热油

train oil───n.鲸油


Treatment with fish oil alone also reduced symptoms, but the benefit was not significantly greater than that produced by a placebo.───单独使用鱼油的疗法同样可以减轻痛经,但是产生的效果相对安慰剂没有显著的提高。

Natural plant base products can be used with treatment oil and provide full day protection to your skin.───纯植物基底用料,可配合复方调理油使用,令肌肤拥有全天候的呵护。

The objective is to analyze the effect of compound hippophae rhamnoides seed oil and in the treatment of cervical erosion.───目的是分析复方沙棘籽油栓对宫颈糜烂的治疗效果。

To retain the appearance of the wood the surface should be treated with BEHANDLA wood treatment oil at regular intervals.───定期采用比安多勒木油进行处理,可长期保持木质面良好外观。

To retain the appearance of the wood and prevent crack formation, regular treatment with BEHANDLA wood treatment oil is recommended.───为了保持木材的外观和防止裂缝的形成,建议使用“比安多勒”木材处理油,定期进行处理。

For surface treatment, use an agent suitable for children's products, e. G. IKEA's BEHANDLA wood treatment oil for indoor use.───如需处理表面,请使用适用于儿童产品的化学剂,如宜家的比安多勒室内用木质处理油。

water; Dewatering; Waste water treatment; Oil recycle;───压舱水;脱水;废水处理;油品回收;

Clarins Face Treatment Oil Blur Orchid───娇韵诗兰花面部护理油

Treatment oil leakage of oil supply head in Qingshandian SHP station───青山殿水电站机组受油器甩油的处理


Analyze and predict the wear situation of components. Select materials, surface treatment, oil and oil additives to achieve minimum frictional loss, good product reliability at lowest possible cost.

  • treatment option
  • treatments for depression
  • treatment of
  • treatments for schizophrenia
  • treatments for osteoporosis
  • treatment serum
  • treatment options
  • treatment effect
  • treatment oil




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