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词汇 transmitted from
释义 transmitted from
transmitted from发音






transmitting sets───机组发送

aside from───除…以外

dated from───追溯到;始于;起源于

dragged from───从拖动


transit stop───[交]公共交通停车站


viruses can be transmitted from there by flies.───病毒可从这里经苍蝇散播他处。

Genes are transmitted from one generation to another.───基因代代相传。

Opkts: the amount of packets transmitted from the interface.───Opkts:该接口所传输的数据包的总数。

The end-to-end delay is the total delay for a data unit to be transmitted from the source to its destination.───“端-端”延迟是一个数据单元从源传输到目标的总延迟。

Each storage unit is coupled with a third end of a corresponding switch for receiving the data transmitted from a corresponding data line.───每一储存单元耦接于一相对应开关的第三端,用来接收一相对应的数据线传来的数据。

Consumer pressure, transmitted from rich countries to the Amazon via green NGOs, is beginning to have an effect.───通过绿色民间组织从富裕国家传递到亚马逊的消费者的压力也开始产生了影响。

HBV can be transmitted from infected mothers to infants at the time of birth or from family member to infant in early childhood.───乙肝病毒能够在分娩时通过受感染母亲传播给婴儿,或通过家庭成员传染给处于儿童早期的婴儿。

Malaria may also be transmitted from a mother to her foetus newborn baby before or during delivery .───疟疾亦可于怀孕或生产时由母亲传染胎儿或初生婴儿。

Egg-bore diseases are those which are transmitted from the infected dam to the newly hatched offspring by means of the fertile egg .───凡能从感染母鸡通过受精蛋传给所孵出后代的疾病,称为蛋媒疾病。


Cultural values are transmitted from parent to child.

The infection can be transmitted from a mother to her baby.

They know the formulae, they have been transmitted from generation to generation down the years.

Some diseases are transmitted from one generation to the next.

Mathematical knowledge is transmitted from teacher to student.

Video transmitted from the ground will be displayed on laptop computers aboard the shuttle.

The programmes are transmitted from 19.00 hours until midnight.

This custom is transmitted from generation to generation.

How is the knowledge transmitted from generation to generation?

  • transmitted light
  • transmitted from




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