one and the same───同一个;完全一回事
here and there───各处,到处
to give and take───给予和接受
a roll in the hay───在干草里打滚
around the horn───在喇叭周围
roll in the hay───在干草里打滚
stand the pace───保持步调
Turtles represent longevity, wisdom, perseverance. . . who wins in the race between the tortoise and the hare?───乌龟代表长寿,智慧和坚毅.谁在龟兔赛跑中得胜了?
After the break, one student recited the story of the "Tortoise and the Hare" , to remind the class of the fable.───短暂的休息后,一个学员背诵了“龟兔赛跑”的故事,所有的学员都熟悉这则寓言。
Click "character" , choose the Tortoise and the Hare, if you can't find it , turn to next page.───单击“角色”,选择故事中的主人公“乌龟”和“兔子”,需下翻一页。
Tell them the story of the tortoise and the hare.───给他们讲乌龟和兔子的故事。
The first story was Aesop's fable The Tortoise and the Hare.───第一个故事是来自伊索寓言中乌龟和野兔赛跑的故事。
Tell them the story about the tortoise and the hare.───给他们讲讲龟兔赛跑的故事。
My favorite is the fable of the race between the tortoise and the hare.
- tortoise and the hare
- tortoise town
- tortoises as pets
- tortoise acquisition corp
- tortoises found in arkansas