on the line───处于危险中;模棱两可;在电话线上
to the life───adv.逼真地
above the line───线上项目;一般标准以上
down the line───adv.完全地;沿着街道;adj.彻底的
hold the line───v.坚持下去,保持不变;不挂断电话
hit the line───勇敢果断地行事;试图带球冲过对方防线
put on the line───冒险
Parents and teachers are best for me to toe the line, it has to carefully.───家长和老师是为我好的,要听话, 也得认真.
He thinks religion's main function is to persuade a community toe the line, so promoting cohesion.───他认为宗教的主要功能是说服群体服从命令, 所以它可以促进凝聚力.
I am sure he would toe the line.───我相信他会守规矩的.
If he doesn't toe the line, fire him!───要是他不守规矩就辞了他!
Ordinary people are careful to toe the line.───普通民众也小心翼翼,不敢越雷池一步。
This month, thousands of runners will toe the line with mixed emotions.───这个月, 数以千计的跑步者将带着不同的心情站在起跑线上.
I'm sure he would toe the line.───我确信他会听从命令的。
In this company you must toe the line if you want to keep your job.───在这个公司里,你必须循规蹈矩才能保住饭碗.
In the months after the poll McCain aides poured anonymous scorn on Mrs Palin's refusal to toe the line and ignorance of policy.───在投票过去几个月后,麦凯恩的助手匿名对佩林拒绝听从命令、无视政策大肆攻击。
Toe the line , as soon as possible after sleep!───听话, 以后早点睡觉!
- toe the line
- toeless legwear