constant threat───持续的威胁
constant theme───不变的主题
constant struggle───不断的斗争
come on stream───投入生产
constant dollar───不变价值美元;定值美元
constant need───不断的需要
constant source───不断的源泉
Many lifts and cabs have televisions that pour out a constant stream of commercials.───电梯和出租车内的电视播放着一成不变的商业广告。
And we're treated to a constant stream of stories about CEOs run amok.───而我们仍然被源源不断的CEO们胡作非为的故事吓得胆战心惊。
The Forbidden City attracts a constant stream of visitors every day, especially during national holidays.───故宫每天都吸引源源不断的游客来观光旅游,尤其是在国庆假期期间。
Participants referred to a constant stream of changing letters, visible on a screen, to indicate when they'd made their decision.───参与者通过指出屏幕上一串连续变化的字母,来报告他做出有意识反应的时间。
Rather than hunching over a keyboard, people will move through a constant stream of information summoned at the touch of a finger.───人们无需操纵键盘,依靠手指触摸便可获得源源不断的大量信息。
Some vice-chancellors have been warning their colleagues not to be complacent about a constant stream of students heading for the UK.───一些副校长们一直在警告他们的同僚,不要因持续不断的赴英生源而感到自满。
The payout of annuity proceeds can be fixed, providing for a constant stream of income, or variable where the income can change over time.───企业年金收益的支付可以是固定的,或者收益随着时间而改变。
I have a constant stream of customers to talk to: I haven't been this popular since the time I brought chocolate brownies into the office.───不断地有顾客和我说话,自从那次我带了巧克力软蛋糕到办公室以来,我很久没有这么受欢迎了。
Only one ward of the hospital was able to deal with the constant stream of injured pouring in.───当时,他所在的医院只有一间病房能够对不断涌进的伤员进行处置。
The constant stream of praise burbling in the background of the class swelled into shouts of rapture.
A constant stream of spoken advice and directions that this child is less able to comprehend will thereby exaggerate her difficulty.
There was a constant stream of visitors to the house.
A constant stream of strangers roamed the neighborhoods.
I always wondered where her constant stream of men came from.
I had a constant stream of visitors while I was ill.
The box gave out a constant stream of beeps as the Doctor walked, occasionally doubling back on himself.
We had a constant stream of visitors.
Cook drove clumsily, keeping up a constant stream of chatter.
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