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词汇 to best
释义 to best
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to beast───野兽

to beset───困扰

to besit───两个控股公司

to besot───两个甜菜

to beat───殴打;打击

to belt───传送带

to bet───打赌

to bedust───到贝杜

to bemist───使迷雾


Or clever captain, came up with a good way to best of both worlds - each a little rice and vegetables Duyun out to support me.───还是队长机灵,想出了一个两全其美的好办法——每人都匀出一点饭和菜来支援我。

The two talked for a few minutes and then a week later Cox was invited to Best Buy headquarters for a meeting.───双方谈了几分钟,一周后,Cox被邀请到BestBuy总部开会。

However, the logframe approach had not always been applied to best advantage, either conceptually or institutionally.───然而,不管在观念上还是在体制上,采用逻辑框架法并不总是取得最佳效果。

A line is drawn through the points to best represent the various regimes where the pressure exponent n may be considered to be constant.───一条线是制订通过点,以最能代表各种制度下的压力指数n可被视为常数。

However, being aware of your document needs now can position you to best take advantage of this technology when it becomes widely available.───但是,现在知道了对文档的需求可以使您在这种技术广泛可用时,最大程度地利用这种技术。

In fact, Visual Studio has always been designed for you to arrange elements of the IDE to best suit your individual development style.───事实上,VisualStudio使您总是能够将IDE元素排列成最适合个人的开发风格。


Does the picture show the subject off to best advantage?

Conclusion Intraplacental choriocarcinoma is a rare tumor. To best of our knowledge, this is no case report of intraplacental choriocarcinoma with maternal and infant metastases in Chinese literature.

To best serve patients' needs, care givers must be realistic in their expectations.

Sequel to best indie sim of 2005.

According to Best and da Silva, the degree of hostility from commercial fishermen towards the boto is unquestionably growing.

In smoke-filled private rooms, boisterous men vie to best each other in downing shots of fiery mao-tai, the rice liquor that is this city's most famous product.

Ev'ry street lamp seems to best a fatalistic warning.

If anything, they are trying to best one another in erecting showcase embassy buildings.

To best utilize processor time, assuming there are runnable processes, a process should always be running.

  • told you so
  • tortoise and the hare
  • to put on
  • tome unlocks
  • to step up to the bar
  • to the left of
  • too close
  • to mr
  • to big box
  • took effect
  • to travel
  • to may baby
  • tower of strength
  • to the west of
  • to approve
  • to want me
  • took shape
  • tolerated cld
  • to sue
  • to get him
  • to say happy




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