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词汇 time zone
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time zones───n.时区


life zone───[生态]生命带;[生态]生物带

time code───时间码;[计]时间代码,时间编码

time line───[地质]时间线;等时线

time on───n.(Timeon)人名;(基里)蒂梅翁

strike zone───(棒球投手所投之球的)好球区

time codes───时间码;[计]时间代码,时间编码

time lines───n.时间线;大事记(timeline的复数)


Indicates if time zone redirection is enabled or disabled.───表示时区重定向是否已被启用或禁用.

Susan: time is it in New York, though ? It's in a different time zone.───苏珊: 可是纽约现在几点 啊 ?它是在不同的时区.

Need to schedule meetings with someone in another time zone ? Just add zone.───是否需要与某个在另一个时区的人计划如何安排会议? 在“工具”菜单上,单击“选项”.

There might have been an error in your date conversion based on your TIME ZONE setting.───根据时区设置进行日期转换可能会出现错误.

Please remember that time zone selection affects only the administration of your account.───请注意,时区选择只影响帐户的管理.

Tahiti is in the same time zone as Hawaii and a part of the Society Islands.───大溪地为社会群岛之一,与夏威夷同处一个时区.

A person travelling eastward around the world sets his watch ahead at each successive time zone.───一个向东绕地球环行的人,在每个时区的边界,要把他的表拨快一小时.

Converts the time in a specified time zone to Coordinated Universal Time ( UTC ).───将指定时区中的时间转换为协调世界时( UTC ).

A person travelling westwards sets his watch behind at each successive time zone.───一个向西旅行的人,在每个时区边界,要把他的表拨慢一小时.

Uncheck'System clock uses UTC'and select your time zone.───取消'的系统时钟使用国际标准 ',并选择您的时区.

Your account automatically to reflect any changes to the local time zone you have selected.───您的帐户会自动调整时间,以反映所选当地时区的变更.

Then they would send each other e - mails at exactly four p.m. in Allison's time zone.───然后她们会以艾利森的时区在下午4点准时互发 电子邮件.

You should record a time zone with each time.───应该随每个时间记录时区。

On the Calendar tab, click Time Zone and select Show An Additional Time Zone.───在“日历”选项卡上, 单击“时区”并选择“显示附加时区”.

Does my time zone affect how my ads run?───时区是否影响广告的投放?

Once crossing the border of each time zone, the time difference of one hour is produced.───每越过一区的界限, 时间便差一小时.

Your virtual family is in the same time zone as you are.───你的虚拟家庭和你处在相同的时区内.

The time zone identifier is a key field that uniquely identifies the time zone.───时区识别项是唯一识别时区的索引键栏位.

On our spherical earth each segment delineates a lune called a time zone.───在我们这第一个球形的地球上,被划成月牙形的每一个等分称为一个时区.

Can I choose any time zone in the world?───我可以选择世界任何时区 吗 ?

Whose time zone?───谁的时区?

The time zone has never been defined in the local system's registry.───本机系统登录中从未定义这个时区.

Retrieving a time zone that is already defined by the operating system.───撷取作业系统已定义的时区.

Time zone: New Zealand officially adopts a standard time to be observed nationally.───1868年的今天,零时区: 新西兰正式在全国采纳标准时间.

Creating a new time zone that is not already defined by the operating system.───建立作业系统尚未定义的新时区.

Determine whether you can rely on logs'time stamps; consider time zone differences.───考虑到时区的不同, 决定是否信赖日志的时间戳.

of the major concerns here is time zone.───这里最主要的考虑是时区问题。

For Exception alerts, the time reflects the time zone where the exception occurred.───对于意外情况提醒, 其时间是发生意外情况的当地时间.

This is a 16 hour jump forward from PDT, the previous time zone.───这就是把过去时区的夏季时间提前16个小时.

Times vary according to time zone.───时间根据时区而不同.

A time zone is a geographical region in which the same time is used.───时区是一个地理区域,在此区域中的时间都相同.

Suva, Fiji, in the same time zone, also turned off its lights.───斐济的苏瓦市, 地处于同一时区, 也关闭了电灯.


The time zone changes as we went west further increased our sensation that time was no longer a hard fact.

An hour later, the second time zone results should be coming in from the Mid-West.

But in addition, the time zone advantage is, as has been noted earlier, less valuable than was originally thought.

Does my time zone affect how my ads run?

Error setting new Time Zone.

Like Rolex watches from a different time zone.

Waipo said I am living the Chinese time zone.

The time zone setting was changed.

We were crossing into a new time zone.

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