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词汇 theoretical basis
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theoretical physics───[理物]理论物理

theoretical physicist───理论物理学家

theoretical physicists───理论物理学家

biological basis───生物学基础

genetic basis───遗传基础




There are many differences on theoretical basis of evidence science of law.───理论界关于证据法学的理论基础还存在着较大的分歧.

This provides the theoretical basis for chaotic sequences as address code.───这为混沌序列用作地址码提供了理论基础.

The results of this study will provide a theoretical basis for further developing trichothecenes as biological herbicides and insecticides.───这项研究的结果将为进一步开发天花粉作为生物除草剂和杀虫剂提供理论依据。

The first year provides students with a sound theoretical basis for later study.───第一年为学生以后的学习奠定坚实的理论基础。

The theory of criminal right of action is the theoretical basis for criminal procedural law.───刑事诉权理论是刑事诉讼法学的理论基础.

The theoretical basis for brain training is lifelong neuroplasticity of the brain.───大脑训练的理论基础是大脑终身可塑性。

Constructionism as a theoretical basis for harmonious and creative environment argument of this paper.───借鉴建构主义理论,有助于营造和谐的创新环境.

The work provides a theoretical basis for improving scale factor linearity in closed - loop gyroscopes.───这为提高 闭环 光纤陀螺标度因数的线性度提供了理论依据.

The paper presents trend chart � � s making up, application and theoretical basis.───该文简述了趋势图的制作 、 应用及其理论根据.

Velocity economy is changing traditional management accounting theoretical basis profoundly.───速度经济正在深刻地改变着传统管理会计的理论基础.

This provided theoretical basis for material input ratio in production.───为保险粉生产过程中投料比的确定提供了理论依据.

Sewall Wright has furnished a theoretical basis for calculating the effects of isolation by distance.───对于计算因距离而产生的隔离效果,赛沃尔·劳埃特已经提供了理论上的根据.

The theoretical basis guiding our thinking is Marxism - Leninism .───指导我们思想的理论基础是 马克思列宁主义.

Multiple aptitudes is the theoretical basis for developing students? individual specialties.───多元智能理论是发展学生个性特长的理论基础.

The theoretical basis of calculating of heat, work.───计算各等值过程的热量 、 功和内能的理论基础.

Objective: To provide theoretical basis for the qualities of Glycyrrhiza uralensis cuts.───摘要:目的: 为保证甘草饮片的质量提供理论依据.

Its theoretical basis is credit and fairness doctrine.───其理论基础在于诚实信用原则和公平原则.

The results provided theoretical basis for down - hole catalytic upgrading of heavy oil.───探讨了催化剂对稠油水热裂解反应的催化机理.

  • theoretical physics
  • theoretical basis




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