

词汇 the goat
释义 the goat
the goat发音



the Goat───山羊

the Coast───海岸

the great───大师;大人物;伟人们



the boot───靴子;汽车后备箱

the flat───这间公寓;公寓(纪录片名,TheFlat)

the good───好人;美德

the heat───辣手警花(电影,TheHeat)


Franz waited impatiently, smelling the odour of the goat.───弗兰士嗅着烤山羊的香味,正在等得不耐烦的时候.

The high priest sacrificed the goat on the altar.───大祭司把山羊献在祭坛上.

It was the goat's eyes that he had seen in the darkness.───他在黑暗中看到的就是这只山羊的眼睛.

Miss so - and - so goes to Sogo to sew the goat's soaked soccer.───某某 小姐到“搜狗”去缝山羊浸湿了的足球.

Upon this the goat without any more ado leaped in.───于是山羊立刻跳下去.

The goat wandered from the yard and never came back.───山羊从院子里走开再也没回来.

He bolted into a hansom, and drove to the Goat's Club.───他三脚两步上了一部马车, 就赶到山羊俱乐部.

The man felt considerably happy and led the goat following man forward.───青年喜出望外,牵着山羊跟盲人向前走.

The tiger sprang on the goat.───老虎向山羊扑去。

The crowd cried out in terror and moved away from the goat.───观众惊恐地大叫,避开山羊.

If Osterman wants to play the goat, why should you help him out?───如果奥斯特曼存心要胡闹, 那你去给他帮腔干吗?

I roped the goat to a post.───我把山羊拴在一根柱子上。

The tiger pounced savagely on the goat.───那只老虎凶暴地突袭那只山羊.

The three rogues took the goat to their own house, and feasted on it.───三个流氓把山羊带回家里大吃一顿.

The goat was ritually slaughtered.───山羊按照仪式宰杀了。

If the beard were all, the goat might preach.───如果有胡须就行, 那么山羊也可以说教了.

We saw the tiger about to pounce ( on the goat ).───我们看见老虎要 ( 向那只山羊 ) 扑过去.


The goat butted her in the stomach.

The goat fell dead immediately when we shot it.

I roped the goat to a post.

The goat butted against a fence.

Stop acting the goat.

The goat leaped surely from rock to rock.

They staked the goat in the back yard.

If the beard were all, the goat might preach. 

The goat bunted the calf.

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