

词汇 the fast lane
释义 the fast lane
the fast lane发音



the Waste Land───荒原(美国诗人艾略特的诗歌)

the last laugh───最后的胜利

fast lane───快车道;忙碌而刺激的生活

the Bastille───巴士底狱

the East End───东区

the East Side───东侧;东边

the Last Day───最后审判日

the West Bank───西岸

the past decade───过去的十年


Bill used to enjoy life in the fast lane in New York, but his family didn't.───Bill原来喜欢纽约那种快速紧张的大都市生活, 但是他家人却受不了了.

The road back hidden in the fast Lane melody.───回去的路就隐藏在快速弹奏曲子.

He had a good job, plenty of money and he was enjoying life in the fast lane.───他有份好工作,钱又多,尽情享受着丰富多彩的生活。

Jane likes to live life in the fast lane.───简喜欢过刺激兴奋的生活.

Cars swiftly slowed and pulled off the fast lane.───汽车减慢了和快速地拉扯了快车道.

Rox ine like living her life in the fast lane.───罗克塞娜喜欢过有挑战性的生活.

Economic development into the fast lane, running a strong overall economic growth.───经济发展步入快车道, 总体经济运行呈现强劲发展势头.

After 11 o'clock, Nanping East to the fast lane before gradually returning to normal.───上午11点过后, 南坪快速东向车道才逐渐恢复正常.

the fast lane to the middle class.───中产阶级”快车道上的风景。

You should be more careful in the fast lane.───在快速路上更要注意安全.

A Fiat slowly nosed its way out into the fast lane.───一辆“菲亚特”慢慢地离开慢车道,驶进了快车道.

The car was speeding away in the fast lane.───车速很快.走的是快车道.

The township infrastructure construction project into the fast lane.───全乡各项基础设施建设项目工程步入了快车道.

Please stay in your own lane; don't switch over to the fast lane.───请待在原车道上; 不要变换到快车道.

I cut across the expressway and took the fast lane back to Miami.───我穿过高速公路,驶入回迈阿密的快车道。

With the vigorous development of the growing zone has entered the fast lane of development.───随着发展活力的不断增强,开发区进入了发展的快车道.

Temple Street, today's horse at full speed the development of school is entering the fast lane.───今天的马神庙街小学正步入全速发展的快车道.

Cars drive extremely quickly in the fast lane, so you should be careful.───在快行线里,汽车的车速都很快, 你要小心.


McCravey lived his life in the fast lane for 27 years.

I find driving in the fast lane rather stressful.

A gray sedan appeared from nowhere in the fast lane.

I broke down in the fast lane of the M6.

Cars in the fast lane were travelling at over 80 miles an hour.

For swimmers in the fast lane, it was 600 meters.

It overturned in the fast lane on the twin-track road on the other side of Stowerton.

Cars in the fast lane were traveling at over 80 miles an hour.

..a tale of life in the fast lane.

  • the money tree
  • the person i like
  • there is a box
  • the derryo
  • the the
  • the study
  • the wall
  • the public
  • the old course
  • theism define
  • there is on
  • the surf
  • the day come
  • the bell rings
  • ther re
  • the the thwal
  • the yellow river
  • the most
  • these socks
  • there is for
  • the red coat




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