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词汇 that monkey
释义 that monkey
that monkey发音



fiat money───法定货币;(美)不能兑换的纸币

hot money───游资,(为追求高额利润而流动的)短期流动资金

leaf monkey───叶猴

to monkey───给猴子

brass monkey───猴儿冷

leaf monkeys───叶猴

night monkey───夜猴


That monkey is young and thin.───那个猴子又瘦又小。

Chandler: Hey, that monkey's got a Ross on its ass!───钱勒:嗨,猴子的屁屁下面长着个罗斯!

No. Going against nature is like the cat who suckled that monkey. You and I are just two people who happen not to be married.───不觉得,猫给猴子喂奶才是违背自然规律。你我只是两个碰巧都不结婚的人。

You wanna get out of here? Get rid of that monkey!───想逃出这里是吗除掉猴子再说

Now imagine what that monkey would do to your goofy, non-banana bringing ass if you tried to make him wear a funny hat and a necktie.───现在再想象那只猴子会对你这个又蠢又不给香蕉的傻x怎么样,如果你试图给它带上一顶滑稽的帽子还要系上一条领带的话!

If Tmac get suspended for that, Collison will be kicked out of the league for sure for doing that monkey style on Yao?───如果麦蒂因为这个停赛的话,克里森会不会因为他对姚明猴子式的动作被逐出联盟?

" The shopkeeper answered, " Ah, that monkey can do legal research and draft documents very fast, no mistakes, well worth the money.───店员回答说:“噢,那只猴子会做法律调查,并且能够快速无误地起草文件,很值那个价钱。”

That Monkey King and his men heard the Zhefan lie very proud and happy to be told of this wonderful gift for flattery people.───那猿猴国王和他的手下听到这番谎话,十分得意,高兴地吩咐将美好的礼物送给这个阿谀奉承的人。


No, going against nature is like the cat who suckled that monkey .

That monkey viruses can contaminate live vaccines is not in doubt.

Chloe: You remember that time you stole that monkey and put it Rosenberg's dorm room?

That monkey is a biter.

  • thats it
  • that is one love
  • that shirt
  • that sort of thing
  • that was cool
  • thatg rl
  • that s when
  • that red cap
  • that is you
  • that for me
  • that has
  • that orange
  • that girli
  • that who i am
  • that ll
  • that i can meet
  • that play
  • that monkey
  • thatched floor
  • that true
  • thats thestwle




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