

词汇 department stores
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n.百货公司( department store的名词复数 )



department store───百货公司;百货商店

department heads───部门主管;系主任



department chairmen───系主任

apartment blocks───公寓大楼

apartment hotel───公寓式饭店;公寓式旅馆

apartment hotels───公寓式饭店;公寓式旅馆

apartment houses───(美)隔成公寓的建筑物


She counted herself lucky to get a job in one of Edinburgh's department stores.───能在爱丁堡一家百货公司找到工作,她觉得自己很幸运。

They're called department stores because they have many different departments.───它们之所以被称作百货商店,是因为被分为很多种类不同的商品部.

There are a lot of other reasons why people shop in department stores.───人们去百货商店购物还有许多理由.

Small shopkeepers carried on a long agitation against the big department stores.───小店主们长期以来一直在煽动人们反对大型百货商店.

Most of the department stores are concentrated in the city centre.───大商场多集中在市中心.

Department stores display their goods in the Windows.───百货商店把商品陈列在橱窗里。

Department stores display their goods in the windows.───百货公司将货物存放在橱窗内.

TV sets are available in any department stores.───电视机在任何一家百货公司里都能买到.

You can buy things at special low prices when department stores have sales.───百货商店打折销售时,你可以特价购物.

Most department stores have TVs and radios in their Home Entertainment Departments.───大多数的百货商店设有家庭娱乐部,在那里可以买到电视机和收音机.

I shopped several department stores.───我光顾了几家百货商店.

Discount houses do not offer the same services that department stores do.───折扣商店不提供百货公司的那种服务.

Is a collection department stores, hotels, tourism, etc. into one comprehensive enterprise.───公司是一家集百货业 、 酒店业 、 旅游业等为一体的综合性企业.

Many department stores have both elevators and escalators.───许多百货公司既有电梯又有自动扶梯.

You can also return things at department stores.───你也可以在百货商店退货.

Department stores are often congested before Christmas.───圣诞节前百货商店里常常很拥挤。

plans about 30 such fashion shows this autumn in department stores.───计划今年秋天在百货公司举行大约三十场这样的时装展览会。

How late the department stores are open?───商店最晚开到几点?


From department stores and kitchen shops.

Department stores are often congested before Christmas.

Both products are available from chemists and department stores.

No jobs for saleswomen in the department stores.

The choice in shopping ranges from department stores to chic boutiques. curios to high fashion.

Lewis's, a provincial chain of department stores which employed 3,400 people, is in the hands of the receivers.

Many department stores reported patchy sales over Christmas.

Department stores display their goods in the windows.

Department stores, apparel and accessory stores lost jobs during the October-December period.

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