

词汇 terminal velocity
释义 terminal velocity
terminal velocity发音




terminal velocities───[力]终极速度;自由沉降速度

orbital velocity───[航][天]轨道速度

terminal capacity───终端容量

areal velocity───[航]掠面速度;面积速度

radial velocity───[天]径向速度

germinal vesicle───种泡,胚泡

germinal vesicles───种泡,胚泡

particle velocity───[高能]粒子速度;质点(振动)速度



This velocity is often called the terminal velocity.───这个速度常常称为收尾速度.

The falling object, after traveling a certain distance through the air reaches a final speed, or "terminal velocity," because the object's friction with the air slows the fall.───物体在下落一定距离后由于空气阻力都会达到一个终极速度。

Excessively long fall distances are required for drops of raindrop size to attain terminal velocity.───雨滴为了得到足够的末速度必须下降很长距离.

The terminal velocity model on short distance running is researched.───研究了短跑的“收尾速度”模型.

Uncertain price point, terminal velocity warmer - than - expected sales.───提价时点不确定 、 终端销售回暖速度低于预期.

His thought was triumph Terminal velocity!───他满脑子想的都是自己的胜利.

time he passed four thousand feet he had reached terminal velocity, the wind was a solid beating wall of sound against which he could move no faster.───他穿越四千英尺的高度时,已经达到极速,呼啸着的海风就像一堵坚实的墙,拦在前面,使他无法以更快的速度前进。

With analysis of forces on particle and calculation of terminal velocities, terminal velocity models are selected, and then Pulse jamming settlement theory was discussed.───在颗粒受力分析及沉降末速计算基础上,首先选取了沉降速度模型,进而对脉动干扰沉降理论做了初步探讨。


Excessively long fall distances are required for drops of raindrop size to attain terminal velocity.

  • terminalia spp
  • terminal market
  • terminal disease
  • terminal transfer
  • terminal monitor
  • terminal blocks
  • terminalia sp
  • terminal velocity




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