

词汇 ten to two
释义 ten to two
ten to two发音



tena koutou───库图特纳

a thing or two───内幕消息;不简单

back to taws───回到塔斯

go to town───上城里去

gotten down to───开始认真考虑;着手处理

gotten on to───转至(另一话题或活动);同……联系;意识到,知道

green tomato───青番茄


Brainstorming can take place either individually or in a group of two to ten, with four to seven being ideal.───头脑风暴既可以个人进行也可以在2人到10人的小组内进行理想的人数是4到7个人。

Automatic shut down: increase the arm swing number of the new form is worn for ten days to stop two times "not basic performance problems, otherwise every day will stop."───自动表停摆:增加手臂摆动次数“新表戴了十天停两次”基本不是性能问题,否则每天都会停。

The researchers rated the photos of the subjects on a scale of two to ten. They also asked their volunteers various questions, including whether they had ever been divorced.───研究者把受试验者的照片分为2到10九个等级,并且向志愿者们提问各种问题,包括他们之前是否离过婚。


It's ten to two.

She returned from lunch at ten to two in a happier frame of mind.

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