

词汇 tell your fortune
释义 tell your fortune
tell your fortune发音



wheel of fortune───幸运轮,轮盘赌

tell someone's fortune───算命

fill your boots───自己看着办(非正式);请自便(非正式)

hold your fire───不要开枪

ill fortune───坏运气;晦气;厄运

tell you what───告诉你什么

to fortune───发财

wheel of fortunes───幸运轮,轮盘赌

Part of Fortune───财富的一部分


She can tell your fortune by looking at the lines on your hand.───她可凭看手纹替你算命。

To tell your fortune, you have to take a bamboo vessel filled with 100 pre-sticks and shake it until one falls out. That numbered stick is then interpreted by a fortune teller.───想预知本人的运势的话,你得先拿一个竹筒,然后摇晃里面的100根签条,直至有一根晃出来,然后拿着这根签条让算命先生算一下。

Many fortune-tellers claim that they can tell your fortune(s) in the coming year.───很多算命先生声称可预告你在新一年的运程。

Why don't you ask me to tell your fortune? '───为什么你不让我算命?

You can get someone to tell your fortune over the phone.───你可以找个人在电话里跟你算命。

LADY LOU: "Don't be afraid, I won't tell. Come up, I'll tell your fortune. "───卢女士:“不要害怕,我不会告诉别人,上来吧,我会给你带来好运。”


She can tell your fortune by looking at the lines on your hand.

They don't even sell white heather any more or tell your fortune.

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