

词汇 technical school
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technical schools───技校;技术学校;工业学校

medical school───医学院;医学专科学校

technical foul───n.技术犯规

technical skill───工艺技术;专门技术

technical support───技术支持;技术援助

Classical school───古典学派

medical schools───医学院;医学专科学校


Her brother studies at a technical school.───他兄弟在技术学校上学.

trains mechanicians, welders, shop assistants, seamstresses and hairdressers.───机修工,焊工,店员,裁缝和理发师。

Chang works at the guest house of the technical school.───小张在一所技术学校的招待所工作.

Is Guangdong Province light industry Vocational - technical school good?───广东省轻工职业技术学校好不好?

They may also learn a trade or technical skill a vocational or a technical school.───他们可以在职业学校和技术学院里学贸易和技能课程.

Our teacher suggested that he attend a technical school.───我们的老师建议他去上技校.

Li Hong is a receptionist. She works at a guest house of a technical school.───李红是一位接待员, 她在一所技术学校的招待所工作.

His father suggested that he attend a technical school.───他父母建议他去上技校.

Some of them have been to the technical school.───他们有些人上过技校.

Job certifications used to be the domain of trade and technical school graduates.───过去,职业证书只是在贸易毕业生和技校毕业生中占主导地位。

They may also learn a trade or technical skill at a vocational or a technical school.───他们可以在职业学校和技术学院里学贸易和技能课程。

He attended a technical school after he graduated at middle school.───他中学毕业后,他进入一所工业学校就读.

Technical school degree or above, majoring in engine, automotive, marine engineering or related discipline.───技校学位或以上, 主修在发动机, 汽车, 船舶工程或相关学科.

I do NOT agree to share my personal information with Kowloon Technical School.───贵会将本人之资料交予九龙工业学校.

Technical school or vocational school graduated, major in chemical or mechanical.───技术中专或职业学校毕业, 专业为化工或机械.

Pearson: Yes, I am and are you from the technical school?───皮尔逊: 对, 我是皮尔逊.您是技术学校的 吗 ?

Senior high school or Technical school or above. Pharmaceutical technology or relevant field preferred.───高中或技校(及以上),制药或相关专业.

Technical school with major in electronics or automation.───技校电子或自动化专业毕业.


Technical school degree or above.

Her brother studies at a technical school.

His father suggested that he attend a technical school.

She found a technical school promising to get people into the travel business.

Besides, there are vocational and technical schools to deal with job training for kids not destined for college.

Junior College or technical school in mechanical engineering.

Some of them have been to the technical school.

Technical school or above, Electrical or automation related major.

Technical school with major in electronics or automation.

  • technical specification
  • technically speaking
  • technical school
  • technical skill
  • technical college
  • technical term
  • technically legal
  • technical information




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