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词汇 take things easy
释义 take things easy
take things easy发音


不劳累,轻松一下,生活舒适; 吊儿郎当; 优游处之


take it easy───从容;不急;松懈

take one's ease───休息;安心

take something as read───读点东西

take something to heart───把某事放在心上

take chances───冒险

take in hand───承担;尝试;处理

take in sail───收帆

take lying down───甘受(挫败等)

take one's way───让路


Give him my regards and tell him to take things easy.───向他问好并请他宽心.

The doctor asked Bob take things easy for a while.───医生让鲍勃先放松一会儿.

Come , come, Jim, you take things easy.───嗨, 吉姆, 你心要放宽.

Come, come Xiao Li, you must take things easy.───嗨, 小李, 你心要放宽一些.

He told me to take things easy and not to worry about getting back to work.───他让我别着急,不要为回来上班发愁.

I have learnt to slow down and take things easy.───我已经学会放慢脚步,从容对待一切事情。

John: Still, you'd better take things easy.───约翰:不过,你还是不要着急。

It was wisdom to take things easy and go along comfortably.───轻松自在、消闲度日,那才是明智.

Grand father will retire from his job next year and take things easy.───祖父明天退休,将悠闲自在地过日子.

Grandfather will retire from his job next year and take things easy.───祖父明年退休,将悠闲自在地过日子.

John: Still, you'd take things easy.───约翰: 不过, 你还是不要着急.

best to take things easy for a week or two.───最好放松一两个星期。

I want to take things easy when I'm on vacation.───在度假时我想过得轻松些.

I take things easy when I'm on holiday.───我在假日愿意轻松一些.

The doctor told him to take things easy and to relax.───医生让他别把事情看得太重,要放松.

It is best to take things easy for a week or two.───最好放松一两周。

He will retire from his job next year and take things easy.───他明年就要退休过轻松的生活了.


At his time of life he should be starting to take things easy.

My doctor's told me to take things easy for a while.

I like to take things easy when I'm on holiday.

In recent years Tony took a low profile with Plantagenet Wines (it was time to take things easy), but today he is back as Managing Director.

After the operation, I was told to take things easy for a month or two.

Pete will still have to take things easy for while.

It is best to take things easy for a week or two.

Take things easy for a few days and you should be all right.

Next year his father will retire and take things easy.

  • take me in you
  • take bus
  • take a plane
  • take sth to heart
  • take a ball
  • take me out
  • take carmanga
  • take if
  • take at
  • take her off
  • take the love to
  • take off your hat
  • take my
  • take to him
  • take the taxi
  • take works
  • take pains
  • take a moment
  • taken up
  • take my way
  • take tennis lessons




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