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词汇 survival of the fittest
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admiral of the fleet───海军元帅;海军五星级上将

survive the winter───熬过冬天

Revival of Letters───n.文艺复兴

admiral of the fleets───海军元帅;海军五星级上将

ship of the lines───第一线作战军舰

six of the best───六个最好的

Schism of the West───西方分裂


Call It'survival of the fittest.───这叫最强者生存吧.

As species advance, superior species eliminate inferior species --'survival of the fittest. "───随着物种的进展, 优良品种清除劣质品种 - “ 适者生存 ”.

Isn't our business about the survival of the fittest?───我们的生意不就是最好的生存 吗 ?

The survival of the fittest is the rule of the game.───竞争的法则是优胜劣汰.

Survival of the fittest, this one is the law of competition the market.───适者生存, 这本是市场竞争的规律.

With the changes in the world's climate, dinosaurs died, but many smaller animals lived on. It was the survival of the fittest.───随着世界气候的变迁,恐龙绝迹了,但许多较小的动物却继续活了下来。这就是适者生存。

He mistakenly ascribes the expression "survival of the fittest" to Charles Darwin.───他错误地认为“适者生存”是查尔斯·达尔文说的。

If evolution is survival of the fittest, nature red in tooth and claw, how could animals evolve moral feelings?───如果进化论是讲适者生存,在弱肉强食的自然界,动物怎么能进化出道德情感?

of the fittest," a slogan that virtually preempted all debate.───适者生存”,一个几乎无可辩驳的口号。

Sometimes we have to obey the theory of survival of the fittest.───有时我们不得不遵循适者生存的理论.

Survival of the fittest.───适者生存.

In a competitive international market the rule is the survival of the fittest.───在国际市场竞争条件下,适者生存是经济法则.

Ironically, this is probably a typical case the theory of the survival of the fittest.───具有讽刺意义的是, 这或许是适者生存理论的一大典型例子.

As is known to all, it tells us the survival of the fittest.───从小都知道了进化论,知道其思想主要为, 弱肉强食,适者生存.

Most critics of natural selection concede that Darwin survival of the fittest right.───绝大多数自然选择的批评家都勉强承认达尔文的“适者生存”是正确的.

Our philosophy is: the survival of the fittest - only suitable for the design and marketing strategy.───我们的理念是: 适者生存 - 只做适合的设计及营销策略.

However the development of language is the survival of the fittest.───但语言的发展是适者生存.

  • survival of the fittest
  • survival kit




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