

词汇 such as it is
释义 such as it is
such as it is发音




as it is───实际上;事实上;既然如此

such as───比如;诸如

suck it up───忍耐;别抱怨;算了吧

there it is───这些是

success stories───成功案例;成功故事(successstory的复数)

as far as it goes───就现状来说;就其本身而言

rough as sacks───像麻袋一样粗糙


Work, such as it is, can be frustrating.───工作, 虽然价值不大, 但却能充满挫折.

Are they convinced by his cabinet and his vision, such as it is?───就目前布朗及其内阁如此短浅眼光而言, 议员们信服 吗 ?

You can take my car such as it is.───虽然我的车不怎么样,但你可以将就着用.

You may use my car, such as it is.───我这部汽车不怎么好, 请将就用吧.

You can use my bicycle, such as it is.───尽管我的自行车不怎么好, 你将就着用吧.

Our food, such as it is, is plentiful.───我们吃的,虽不很好,却很丰富。

You may use my bike such as it is.───尽管我的自行车不好,你可以将就著用吧.

You can use my bike, such as it is.───你可以用我的自行车, 尽管不是很好骑.

The recovery, such as it is, has been helped by an extraordinary amount of fiscal and monetary support.───这样的经济恢复是通过大量的财政和货币政策支持得以实现的。

You can borrow my old car, such as it is.───你可以借我的旧汽车, 虽然不怎么好.

We can go in my car, such as it is.───我们可以坐我的车去, 虽然我的车子不太好.

The interpretation is ingenious and fits the evidence such as it is.───那个解释很巧妙,与证据很吻合,尽管不一定正确.

Kazakhstan's opposition, such as it is, denounced the initiative.───哈萨克斯坦的反对派(如果要说还有的话)反对这一提议。

This pudding, such as it is, is the best I can make.───布丁只能做成这样了, 我尽了最大的努力.

He won't refuse to give you his help, such as it is.───他不会拒绝帮助你的, 尽管对你帮助不大.

Well my toilet's all blocked up and I've got it all coming into my flat and it'll ruin my home, such as it is.───我的马桶堵死了,脏水全都涌到屋子里,家里脏得一塌糊涂,情况就是这样。

  • such slowly
  • such a voice
  • such a hurry
  • such or as
  • such as it is
  • such fun
  • such good
  • such as synonym




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