

词汇 beijing normal university
释义 beijing normal university
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biological diversity───生物多样性;生物差异

prestigious university───名牌大学

civic university───市立大学


microbial diversity───微生物多样性

red;ick university───红砖大学(地方设的,声望不及牛津、剑桥的大学)

religious diversity───宗教多样性

wedding anniversary───结婚纪念日;结婚周年纪念日


School of Educational Technology, Beijing Normal University.───教师, 北京师范大学教育技术学院.

Wu Tieping is a professor and supervisor doctoral students of Beijing Normal University.───伍铁平,北京师范大学教授,博士生导师.

I am enrolled in the graduate division of the Department of Education at Beijing Normal University.───我是北京师范大学教育系的在读研究生.

Good morning, young friends, parents, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Beijing Normal University.───上午好, 同学们, 家长们,先生们, 女士们. 欢迎大家来到北京师范大学.

In June of 1987, I will graduate from Beijing Normal University with a BA. in Library science.───我将于1987年6月从北京师范大学图书馆学系本科毕业, 并将获得图书馆学学士学位.

An external beam PIXE facility is set up ataccelerator lab of Beijing Normal University.───北京师范大学串列实验室建立了外束质子激发X荧光(PIXE)分析装置.

My thesis mainly discuss new matter from teaching practice perspective version of Beijing normal university.───我的论文主要是从教学实践角度来论述新教材(北师大版).

Recently the Beijing Normal University Museum of Antiquities opened its doors.───近日,北京师范大学文物博物馆开馆.

Guo Xinghua, Beijing. Born in 1941. Director of Public Art Educational Research Roomof Beijing Normal University.───郭兴华·北京人, 1941年生. 现为北京师范大学公共艺术教育研究室主任.

After admitted to a school the Beijing Normal University, what read was the philosophy specialty.───考取北京师范大学后, 读的是哲学专业. 为什么选哲学呢?

A young poet made an irresponsible speech at Beijing Normal University.───有个青年诗人在北京师范大学放肆地讲了一篇话.

Welcome to Beijing Normal University.───欢迎大家来到北京师范大学.


An external beam PIXE facility is set up at the tandetron accelerator lab of Beijing Normal University.

The algorithm has been implemented and applied to developing a new concept mapping tool by KSEI ( abbr. of Institute of Knowledge Science and Engineering) at Beijing Normal University.

Professor Zou Hong, from the department of psychology at Beijing Normal University, says, "A father's responsibility does not end with earning money for the family.

Li-Junping. 1993. The Great Style of Han Dynasty(Wordage 200000). Beijing: Beijing Normal University Publishing House.

A microsecond pulse radiolysis system in Beijing Normal University is reported in this paper. Several formation and decay kinetics of radicals were studied.

July 1986 graduated from the Beijing Normal University Department of History, received a bachelor's degree in history.

The holotype and paratype specimens are deposited in the Bird Museum of Beijing Normal University.

In June of 1987, I will graduate from Beijing Normal University with a BA. in Library science.

Yu, L. (2000). Phonological representation and processing in Chinese spoken language production. Unpublished Doctorial Dissertation, Beijing Normal University.

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