student card───学生证
garden center───n.花卉商店
garden centers───n.花卉商店
student ID card───学生证
student cards───学生证
student driver───学生司机
student drivers───学生司机
Instead, 21st century learning utilizes an individualized, student-centered approach which more readily establishes students in careers better suited to their inherent drives.───然而,21世纪学习使用了一种个性化的、以学生为中心的方法,这种方法能够更容易地使学生们在职场上立足,这些职业也更适合他们那些与生俱来的能力。
But now, such form has changed, teachers start to focus on students, they let students become more active in the class, student-centered class has many advantages.───但是现在,这样的形式已经改变了,教师开始把眼光集中在学生身上,他们让学生在课堂上变得更活跃,以学生为中心的课堂有很多优势。
I wanted to find a way to incorporate more student-centered learning techniques and involve the students more fully into the material.───我想找到一条以学生为中心的教学方式,让学生完全沉浸于教学材料之中。
The student centered college English teaching approach is one of the most effective ways to achieve the purpose.───以学生为中心的大学英语教学模式正是实现这一目标的行之有效的教学模式之一。
Therefore, the course setting, based on the student centered notion, is expected to be consistent with the aim of the new curriculum reform.───这就需要我们本着以学生发展为本的教育教学理念,把选修课的开设最终落实到国家新课程改革的目标上来。
The key to strengthening and improving college students ideological and political work is to construct a new student-centered mechanism.───加强和改进大学生思想政治工作的关键在于构建以学生为本的思想政治工作机制。
design scenario should focus on the teaching objectives - student-centered - with Inquiry - modern design - interesting and strong.───设计问题情境要围绕教学目标——以学生为主体——具有探究性——设计新颖——趣味性强等。
Teachers decide the quality of education in colleges. Colleges should insist on "student-centered education, and teacher-based schooling. "───大学的质量最终决定于教师,学校要坚持“育人以学生为本,办学以教师为本”。
To create the cultivating pattern, people should insist on three principles of local support, discipline upholding and student-centered.───创建创新人才培养模式应该坚持地方支持、学科支撑、学生主体三个原则。
The minimal essentials for PBL are student centered, problem based, integrated, collaborative, and reiterative learning.
- student universe
- student roost
- students who think they have paid
- student centered