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词汇 stuck together
释义 stuck together
stuck together发音



stick together───在一起;团结一致;互相支持

sticks together───在一起;团结一致;互相支持

strung together───串在一起(strung是string的过去式和过去分词)

knock together───草草做成;相撞

stay together───在一起(歌曲名)

stir together───一起搅拌

sticking together───在一起;团结一致;互相支持

to stick together───粘在一起

knocks together───草草做成;相撞


The two pieces were stuck together so well that you could hardly see the join.───这两块粘合得太好了,几乎看不出接缝。

Pretend that clouds are actually made of marshmallow clusters stuck together so that people can sit and ride on them.───假设云朵实际上是由棉花糖团粘在一起形成的,这样人们就可以坐在它们上面,骑着它们。

The pages are stuck together.───张纸被粘在一起了。

The children stuck together, calming one another, except for Lucsenda, a seven-year-old, who clung to my leg fiercely.───孩子们抱成一团,相互安慰,除了7岁的卢森达,他紧紧地抓着我的腿。

Rose found that the top branches more than a few small things that look like the leaves were stuck together.───却发现玫瑰枝干的顶部多了几个小东西,看上去像是叶子被粘在了一起。

During the next few million years, lumps of that disk stuck together to form the familiar eight planets of the modern solar system.───在接下来的几百万年间,盘状物中的几块粘在一起形成了现代太阳系所熟悉的八大行星。

"There is a phenomena in genetics and cellular development called co-expression in which two genes can be stuck together, " he said.───在遗传学和细胞发育过程中有一个现象叫做“共同表达”,也就是两个基因可以连在一起。

The walls are made of salt blocks stuck together with a cement-like substance made of salt and water.───墙壁是由盐块和一种由盐和水制成的粘合剂砌成。

"You would be annoyed, too, if you were stuck together like that without food or water, " Mr. Xi said.───换作是你,像这样没吃没喝地被困在一起,你也会烦闷的。


Nicola and Emily stuck together and together they stuck to Richard, content to be a part of it all.

They stuck together in hard times.

My book got wet and all the pages have stuck together.

He was holding up a pound note that had been torn in half and stuck together with gum.

Some of the pages had got stuck together and I couldn't separate them.

These pages are stuck together I can't pull them apart.

Then, families stuck together through thick and thin .

They stuck together, presenting a united front to the world.

The two pieces were stuck together so well that you could hardly see the join.

  • stuck with it
  • stuck in traffic
  • stuck on you
  • stuck to it




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