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词汇 stocking up
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stacking up───堆积;累计;加起来

sticking up───竖起;伸直;突出

stoking up───饱吃一顿

stocking cap───绒线帽

blocking up───阻碍;垫高;停用;阻塞

clocking up───记录;赢得;达到

cocking up───把…弄得一团糟;竖起

knocking up───使……筋疲力尽;敲门唤醒

locking up───监禁;锁上;固定(lockup的现在分词)


He's stocking up with wine and brandy for the party tonight.───他正在为今晚的聚会采购葡萄酒和白兰地。

Instead of stocking up on chocolate and sweets, why not stock up on fruit instead?───与其储备很多巧克力和糖果,为什么不置办一些水果呢?

All the shops are now stocking up for Christmas.───所有的商店都在为圣诞节储备商品。

That demand spike -- China was stocking up in case it needed backup fuel -- played a role in oil's climb to its record of $145 a barrel.───此前中国一直囤积柴油以备不时之需,于是柴油需求激增,这是导致油价向每桶145美元的纪录水平挺进的原因之一。

It was a Thursday evening, the muezzin had just been called and it seemed that "le tout Amman" was out stocking up for the Friday holiday.───那是个周四傍晚,宣礼员刚被命名,而且似乎“letoutAmman”并没有为周五假日准备东西。

Perhaps bracing for further weeks of uncertainty, Tokyo residents and others have been stocking up on petrol and provisions.───也许是为将来几个星期的不确定性作好准备,东京的居民和其他一些地方已经开始储备石油和粮食了。

Think of the crowds stocking up on bottled water and canned goods before a major storm comes through.───想想那些赶在大风暴来临之前囤积瓶装水和听装食品的人群,你就会明白其中道理。

They also showed signs of cutting back on the number of trips to stores, showing moderate signs of stocking up on products they need.───他们还表现出减少前往商店次数的迹象,显示对所需商品具有温和的囤积迹象。

If all your money is going to food, shelter and clothing, stocking up on cotton swabs just doesn't have much appeal.───如果你所有的钱都用来吃饭,付房费和买衣物,囤积棉花棒确实没有太多的吸引力。


Start planning for Christmas now by stocking up the freezer with some festive dishes.

He's stocking up with wine and brandy for the party tonight.

Downtown merchants are stocking up for the Christmas shopping season.

New Yorkers have been stocking up with bottled water.

Father is stocking up with wine and brandy for the New Year party.

All the shops are now stocking up for Christmas.

The supermarkets are full of people stocking up for the New Year's holiday.

The Czechs were even stocking up with beer for the mess back home.

I thought to conquer this problem by stocking up on oranges whenever we went shopping.

  • stockings in spanish
  • stockings n
  • stocking shelves
  • stocking stuffers
  • stocking up
  • stockings christmas
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